"Hop on." Sirius quickly offered, grinning at you.  You smiled and nodded, walking over and sitting on the back of his motorcycle, wrapping your arms around his torso as not to fall off.

Neither of you noticed James' glare that he shot towards Sirius, his eyes narrowing as your arms wrapped around his waist.

"You ready?" Sirius asked you, breaking James out of his daze.

"Onward." You smirked, feeling him chuckle.

All four of them quickly pushed on the accelerator. It only took about five minutes until you got to school. A few girls glared at you as you got off of Sirius's bike, taking off the helmet and handing it back to him.

James clenched his jaw as Sirius ruffled your hair playfully, you groaning and smacking his hand away. Remus smirked slightly as he saw James getting jealous of the two. He walked up and leaned against his bike, next to James.

"You know that they only think of each other as brother and sister, right?" He whispered so only they could hear.

James shook his head. "Doesn't matter." He muttered before spotting Lily. She wore a light pink pencil skirt with a white shirt tucked into it, pink heels, and a white belt around her waist. Her hair was pulled into a tight ponytail that curled at the ends. Her makeup was light yet enough to make everyone notice her. It consisted of a light pink lip gloss, mascara, and blush.

James smirked and called out. "Alright there, Evans?" You looked away from Sirius and towards the red headed girl, who now stood with a hand on her hip in a sassy manner. Sirius gripped your hand as you clenched your jaw at the sight of her.

James noticed this and his smirk widened slightly to mask his hurt. "What is it, Potter?" She asked, as if this conversation was the most boring thing she could even think of partaking in. Aside from talking to you.

"Wanna go out with me?" You took in a sharp breath of air, Sirius gripped your hand a little tighter then necessary, not like you noticed, Remus' eyes widened, and Peters' jaw dropped.

Lily's eyes also widened slightly before she regained her composure, her eyes scanning your body with a piercing gaze.

You wore simple black jeans with rips in them, a black cropped sweatshirt with a (B/N) symbol on it in white. (Band/Name) you had on black converse and a black beanie. You had in your lip, nose, and three ear piercings. Your makeup was a simple coat of mascara, black matte lipstick, a black smokey eye, and winged eyeliner.

Your (F/C) hair was in two braids under your beanie, only the colored ends showing. You were the definition of opposites.

She looked back to James with a smirk. "Yes." She said curtly before sending you one last sickly sweet smile and walking off. You knew she only said yes to make you feel bad. And it was working.

You took your hand away from Sirius and glared at James.

"What the hell, James." You demanded. He looked at you and raised an eyebrow. You glared at him with a hurt expression before taking out a cigarette, walking away from them as you lit it, smoke following your path.

Sirius gave James a curious look. "Why'd you ask out that bìtch?" He asked flatly. (I would like to say that I love Lily, this is just for the sake of the story)

"Don't call her that." James demanded, taking a step closer. Sirius raised his eyebrow at him.

"I'll call her that when it's the truth." Sirius responded, also taking a step closer. Remus looked between the two warily before stepping between them.

"Sirius, stop." Remus told him. Sirius scoffed before taking the keys to his bike and following after you. Remus turned towards James and raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"What?" James finally asked.

"Seriously, why'd you do it?" He questioned.

"I was jealous of Sirius and (Y/N), and I saw them holding hands so I got pissed and asked  her out. It was a mistake, but maybe a good one." James explained.

"What do you mean?" Peter asked him.

"I can see myself having a future with Lily. Maybe this date will lead to something else." James put his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket nonchalantly.

"What about (Y/N)?" Remus asked curiously.

"Let's face it. She's a goner. She's eventually going to ruin her life doing what she does, and I'm not getting dragged with her."

"What do you mean, 'doing what she does'?" Remus demanded.

"All the smoking and drinking she does. It's going to catch up to her someday. And that 'job' she has? Seems kind of sketchy to me." James shrugged once again.

Remus shook his head at the boy. "You have no idea, James. Just fix this before you lose her forever."

With that, he walked off to where you had stormed off to.

James turned towards Peter. "Do you think I messed up?"

Peter shook his head. "I think that if you don't fix this soon you'll lose one of the best things that's ever happened to both of you."

Peter shot him a look of sadness before following them.

James sighed and leaned against his bike, running a hand over his face stressfully. Why did he say those things about you? I mean, yeah it was true. Your smoking and drinking would probably cause you problems in the future, and you always told them about your 'job' that you had. You never gave details though, which was what made him slightly suspicious.

But he had no right to say that, seeing as he also smoked and drank, most of the time with his friends or at parties. Which was pretty much all the time.

He sighed before walking into the school building, not looking anyone in the eye as they all scurried to get out of his way.

He smirked slightly before it fell again. He spotted Lily and walked over, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he nodded to some guys that stood with her.

They nodded back as Lily turned towards him.

"Listen, if you really want that date this weekend then you have to make some changes." She looked at him in fake sadness.

"Like what?" He asked warily.

"No more of the smoking and drinking. No more motorcycle gangs, or whatever. Stop hanging with those other boys... and lastly, stop talking to (Y/N)."

James furrowed his eyebrows before sighing.

And nodding yes.


Hey! I don't know if you noticed but I decided to just make this an imagines book. Hope you aren't upset, and enjoyed the extra extra long chapter.

Be ready for part two! Please don't forget to vote and comment!


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