If she hadn't pulled back, he would've given in, without question. He would've kissed her until his heart stopped pounding, until he could no longer breathe if she'd let him. But she had been right. They couldn't give in. Because they both loved Luke, and knew that Luke loved Evie. And she loved him, too, which should have made Jamie feel all sour and bitter towards her, but it didn't. At least not totally. He was glad she loved him. Glad Luke had found someone who was as kind and caring as he was.

Jamie wouldn't take that away from him. No matter what he had to do to keep his feelings in check, he would do it. And he would say that to Evie when she gave him the chance to explain.

If she gave him the chance to explain.

He should've been tired as he waited for everyone in the lobby, but he wasn't. Not yet. He was sure it would hit him though. They had an hour-long bus ride this morning, a radio interview, and a show to play tonight in Stockholm, so he'd need at least some sleep—even if it was only an hour or two hour's worth. But right now, heart jumping each time the elevator dinged only to reveal someone who wasn't Evie, he felt wide awake.

After one such ding, Greg walked like a zombie through the open doors, Pete trailing after him.

"Morning," Greg mumbled, his eyes still half-closed. They'd reached the point in the tour where sleep was something that barely alleviated the exhaustion—it was something their bodies were constantly craving.

Although, Jamie seemed to be immune to that today. "G'morning," he said, almost smiling as Greg sunk down into the armchair beside his, letting his head fall back onto the cushion as soon as his butt met the chair.

"I'm gonna to check us out," Pete said, his always loud voice not enough to wake Greg from the slumber he'd already slipped into. "Why don't you -" he looked at Greg, sighed. "Never mind, just stay there with him."

Jamie couldn't answer before Pete turned and walked away, couldn't nod, couldn't smile, couldn't do anything but stare as the elevator doors opened again, and Evie stepped through them, a bag on her shoulder and Luke just behind her, both of their suitcases at his heels.

They weren't laughing. They weren't smiling. Both of them looked exhausted, to be honest. But before Jamie could invent a story as to why neither of them looked happy in his mind, they stopped just feet from a still-sleeping Greg, and Luke's hand reached up, found its way to Evie's lower back. Jamie felt his heart pick up its pace when he looked up only to find her quickly look away.

Luke smiled as he nodded at Greg, whose mouth was now wide open. "We're all feeling it, I guess, huh?"

Jamie felt more wired than he ever had. "Two weeks in. We've hit the first lull."

"The only lull," Luke corrected, grinning a little. "We'll be in the thick of it now until the last day. Although you look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, J."

Jamie tore his gaze from Evie's face—she wasn't looking at him anyway—to smile. "Weird, considering I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. Guess I'm just overtired."

"Did I just hear you say you didn't get any sleep?" Pete asked, accusation in his tone.

Evie's eyes were on him now, too. Jamie smiled gently, encouragingly at her before meeting Pete's worried stare. "Guess the time change finally caught up with me."

"Jesus, Jamie," Pete said, running a large hand over his face as he muttered, "You're going to kill me one of these days, I swear." But then he met Jamie's eye, and he was scary serious when he said, "You realize we have a full day ahead of us don't you? You'd better get some shut-eye on the bus. Now c'mon." He reached down to shake Greg awake. Greg lifted his head with a grunt as he blinked his eyes open. "Let's load up."

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