"Cozy." Jean said, taking off his jacket, and fedora, placing them on the edge of the corner couch.

You did the same and seated yourself.

"Man, we haven't gone on an expedition in a while." Jean sighed.

"Lucky for us." You replied. "I overheard something about going out to Shiganshina and sealing the breach."

"I don't feel like dying for a while." Jean said.

"None of us do." You smiled.

The waitress from earlier approached the both of you.

"Hey! Are you ready to order?" She chirped.

"Yea, I think so." You said.

"What can I get for you?" She asked, pulling out a notepad and a pen.

"Umm, I'll get a gin." You said.

"And I'll get a cappuccino," Jean said.

"Okay, so a gin and a cappuccino, correct?" The waitress asked.

"Yes." You replied.

"Great! My name is Jamie, so if you need anything, just give me a shout!" She smiled.

Later, Jamie arrived with your drinks.

"Here, enjoy!" She chirped. "I'll be back with your bill in just a moment."

"Thank you." Jean said, opening up a sugar packet and pouring it into his cappuccino.

"Look at how cute this is." Jean noted, pointing at the heart drawn out of foam on his cappuccino.

"You're having a lot more coffee than you usually do." You cocked your eyebrow, taking a sip of your gin. "Everything alright?"

"Don't worry about it." He reassured. "So,"


"I've never heard anything about your father." Jean stated.

"Well, surely you've heard of him." You began. "He was one of the best doctors that had ever lived within these walls."

"He was a doctor?" Jean sounded surprised.

"Sure." You continued. "Have you heard of Dr. [F/S]?"

"Oh, yea. I believe he looked over my mom at a point." Jean recalled.

"Anyway, he was part of one of the smaller races." You explained. "Just like how Mikasa is half Asian, I'm half [BG]. Back when, the [BG] race was good in the pharmaceutical industry."

"Cool." Jean said. "But I don't understand. If your dad was that good, why didn't you live in the interior?"

"Not sure." You stated. "How about your father?"

"I've never really heard of him. He was never home." Jean muttered.

"Oh, I see." You said.

Jamie came back with the bill.

"Here's your bill. Hope you enjoyed your drinks!" Jamie said.

"Hey, Jamie!" Another customer called.

Jamie waved one last time and left to help the other customers.

"It's on me." Jean said, pulling out his wallet.

"No, Jean. Please let me pay." You lowered his wallet.

"No, [Y/N]. I insist."

"Fine. Give her a tip. She was nice." You said, annoyed that Jean always paid.

You walked back to the HQ, hand in hand. Jean tripped.

"Huh?" You looked back.

"Oh, my shoelaces are untied. Let me just..." Jean knelt on one knee.

"But you don't have lace—"

Jean pulled a small, black box out of his pocket. You covered your mouth with your hands.

Jean opened the box and revealed a ring with glistening diamonds around it.

"No. No way." You said, letting out a shocked chuckle and beginning to tear up.

"[Y/N]." Jean started.

Your hands begun to shake and your heart desperately wanted to escape your body.

"I want to be with you forever." Jean said.

"Please say this is a joke." You whispered into your hands ever so quietly.

"Will you marry me?"

reminder: jean is eighteen for the sake of the story.

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