S2x07.5 - Restraint || Part Two

Start from the beginning

"Okay, Stiles," I said. "He may seem creepy and extra weird, but if he was the master, why would he make Jackson kill adults? Like if I were him, I would tell Jackson to kill the people who are mean to me."

"Sammy's right," Scott said.

"Like always," I sung out and Addie giggled.

Scott gave me a look.

"Sorry. It's the caffeine. You may continue."

He turned to Stiles. "He makes Jackson kill Addie's dad, one of Argent's hunters, and the mechanic working on your Jeep? It doesn't make sense."

Rae sat up in her chair. "He killed those people because he's evil! I'm on Stiles' side."

Stiles grinned and fist-bumped her. "It's 'cause you're smart."

"Smart?" I scoffed. "What's your gpa again?"

"Okay," Rae glared at me. "I'm street smart. It's the kind of smart that counts. Plus, Scott's on your team. So I don't think you should be throwing stones when you're in a glass house."

"I'm still here!" Scott said.

"Scott is..." I trailed off, trying to think of what I was going to say. "Scott is smart because he's on my side and he's special in his own way... I guess."

"I'm taking that as a compliment," Scott smiled.

"Okay, wolfie."

"What you said doesn't prove anything," Rae crossed her arms.

"Wow," Scott said, fake-hurt. "You're going against your own brother?"

"And friend," I added. "You guys just don't like Matt."

"The guy bugs me. I don't know what it is. Just look at his face," Rae said.

Everyone at our two tables, minus Erica, turned to look at Matt, who innocently offered Jackson some chips.

"Wow," I sarcastically said. "Such a valid argument. You guys should become lawyers and save the world!"

"We don't need your sass!" Stiles squinted.

"Well, Team Scammy has the support of Addie," I stated. "Hers is the only opinion that matters."

"No," Rae objected. "Team Riles has the support of Addie. Right, Addie? You cute thing, you."

We all turned to Adeline, expecting an answer.

"Addie," Scott started. "I'm the one that brought you home to us."

"And I fangirl over Harry Potter with you and I read you multiple bedtime stories. I also always give you great advice," I added.

"See," Scott said. "This is why Team Scammy is the best team."

I nodded in agreement.

"Addie," Rae said. "I'm like your way cooler, older sister and I always give you candy."

"I let her eat candy in moderation!" I retorted. "It's going to ruin her health when she's old. I want her to enjoy her old age instead of drinking prune juice in a nursing home like you and Stiles are going to do."

"See what I mean?" Rae pointed to me.

Before I could argue, Stiles said, "And I'm your cool uncle Stiles who lets you do pretty much anything you want. You wanna choose Team Cool," he motioned to himself and Rae, "or Team Dork," he waved us off, making a face.

Adeline looked at us back and forth.

"Um... I'm gonna have to talk with Teddy about this," she said, turning her back to us to face her bear. "What's that? Oh... well, how am I supposed to tell them that? No, Teddy! I can't say that to them, that's rude!"

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