After Remus and Peter had went, it was finally time for Sirius and James to go. "The last two! Mister Black and then Mister Potter."

"Good luck kiss?" Sirius pointed to his cheek.

Rosie shook her head and pushed him away. "No, I didn't get one, so you don't."

"Hey! You were too stressed and left me hanging!" Sirius tried to reason with her.

"Well..." Rosie trailed off. "The answer is still no," she bluntly stated.

"Awwww. After?" he suggested. Rosie quirked an eyebrow and thought of a quick deal.

"Only if you pass." 

Sirius only smirked and nodded. He confidently strode into the room, the doors closing dramatically behind him.

By the grace of Merlin, everyone had passed. Sirius received his promised kiss and James got a slap for trying to make a move 'this soon.' For Rosie, this was only a slight weight lifted off her shoulders as she then had to go to lessons and prepare for her evaluation. Luckily, Dumbledore let her go early and only practiced what she really needed, although, Rosie knew that he was only going easy because she had just taken her Apparition test.


The next day, Rosie was in the library and only in the library. The stress of all her exams finally got to her, and she wasn't taking it very well. It got to the point where she wouldn't even leave to eat food. Inevitably, her stress had spread to Lily, causing both of them to freak out. Madam Pince had graciously offered the two their very own special back room as she had grown tired of hearing their loud whispers and didn't have the heart to kick the two out. In their own little chambers, they could scream as loud as they wanted (thanks to the muffling charm Lily had done) and could yell in frustration whenever they needed to.

"Lily! Where's the Transfiguration textbook?!" Rosie asked in a panic as she sorted through the large stack of textbooks. Lily looked up from her Charms book with furrowed brows.

"What? I thought you had it last?" she asked, a hint of worry rising in her voice. Rosie poked her head out from the books and breathed in and out deeply. Their combined notes were in that book. Sure they could always get another book, but their notes were irreplaceable.

"What? No, I thought I gave it to you!" Lily shrieked. Rosie immediately started to flip out as she ran around the room, looking for their beloved textbook. "Oh! I gave it to James!" Lily exclaimed. Rosie took a deep breath, but then realized that James probably lost or damaged it.

"Why would you do that?!" Rosie asked loudly.

"I don't know, he said he needed it!" Lily yelled as she stood from the chair and began to pace.

"Oh, Merlin we're going to fail Transfiguration!" Rosie cried as she dropped to the floor in a heap of panic.

"AHHH!" the two screamed.

"Oh, hey -" James said as the boys opened the door, all of them quickly assessing the scene. "Oh, nope." He tried to shut the door but was stopped by Rosie as she held the door open.

"James!" she greeted, grabbing the book from his hand and going back across the room to her seat.

"Yeah, I was just going to return your book," James mumbled from the doorway.

"How's it going in here?" Sirius asked, wincing once he realized that was the wrong thing to ask as the two girls slowly turned to him with crazed stares.

"How is it going?" Lily asked slowly, standing up from her chair.

"How is it going?" Rosie repeated. "Sirius Black, you come in here, mere days before our exams, and you ask how it's going?"

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