Broken and Defeated (Frerard)

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'Our baby Gee is staring at the cute Art teacher again.'

Nicole looks over and their slightly estranged friend is staring at the 20 something teacher with lust in his puppy dog eyes.

'GERARD.' Chess snaps her fingers in front of his face, making him jump in fright.

'Damn, could you be more obvious?' Cole says and smirks at Gerard.

'But he's cute.' Gerard replies and giggles.

'Come onnnnn. We must eat. I'm hungry.' Chess says and punches them both lightly on the arm.

'Owie, you're always hungry.' Gee responds and rubs his arm.

'Shut up fatass. I want de pizza.'

Nicole stands up and bashes both of their heads together.

'I'M HUNGRY TOO.' She yells in Chess' face.

'I'm not that hungry to be honest..' Gerard replies and smiles.

'Gerard Arthur Way. Don't make me grab you by your hair and force you to come with us.' Chess says playfully.

'Okay, Okay.' Gerard mumbles.

The group walked toward the main hall, ready to get FOOD.

'Oh my god.. It's him. d-do I look okay?' Gee asks Cole anxiously, brushing his hair down with his hands.

'MAN UP DUDE.' Cole mocked Gerard.

'He's just so cu-' Gerard replies, blushing. The only faint trace of colour in his vampire like complexion.

'-Dude fucking man up and get over there!' Chess intrudes and shoves Gerard toward the tall dark-haired man.


'H-Hi, Andy.' Gerard stumbles, looing up at the black haired god that was towering over him.

'Hey man. Gerard, isn't it?'

'Ye-yes. I-I like your shirt.' He says, nodding at Andy's batman tank top.

'Thanks man-' Then Andy went started waffling on about how great Batman was, how much better he was than Superman.

Out of the corner of his eye, Gerard could see his two friends staring at them and laughing and pointing.

Gerard rolled his eyes and started ruffling his hair.

'You okay man? You seem kind of zoned out and twitchy?'

'Y-yeah, I-I k-know it's kinda weird, but your really nice, a-and well c-cute,' Gerard starts, ducking his head down. 'I-I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out sometime?' He finishes.

'How about.. no? The fuck? YOU FAG. THAT'S WEIRD, WHAT THE HELL MAN.'

Gerard pushes past him, tears falling out of his eyes like a bullet out of a gun.


'WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY TO HIM YOU DIPSHIT???' Cole shoves Andy to the floor, while Chess runs after Gee.

Andy smirks, getting up and dusting down his jeans.

'Need a girl to fight for him, does he?' Andy smirks and chucks Cole's chin.

'Just stay out of this one sweetheart.' Andy says, his cold eyes boring into Cole's.

'You're one rude little twat, you know that.' Cole said, squinting her eyes in disgust.

'You know what, don't get involved. Okay. Go run back to your faggy little friends.' Andy grinned.

'Are you talking to me?' Nicole said sarcastically, venom lacing her voice.

'Are you talking to me?' She sad once more, pure hatred and anger in her eyes.

'ARE YOU FUCKING TALKING TO ME? WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?' Cole yelled at the top of her lungs, before punching Andy square in the jaw. She stormed off to go and find Chess, and their heart broken friend Gee an took one glance back at Andy to see if he was looking at her, which he was. She got both hands and raised both her middle fingers, high and proud in the air, shouted a loud 'FUCK YOU.' And continued to chase after Chess.

She ran through the long, hollow corridor when she suddenly felt someone grab her arm and yank her to the side.

'Shh!' It was Chess.

'Gerard won't come out of the toilets, he's sounds really upset.' Chess worried.

'Well, it's the boys toilets so i'm not going in there... By the way, I punched Andy in the face. I think that's the last time he'll be saying anything like this to Gee, or anyone else for that matter.' Cole said proudly.

'Nice one.' Chess replied.

Another upset murmur came from inside the boys toilets.

'Come on, let's go in there together.' Chess suggested and quietly pushed up on the door and Cole followed her through.

Gerard was having a breakdown.. he doesn't have the easiest life in school and now he just got his heart ripped out by Andy. Chess approached the stall door.

'Gee, baby, you okay?' She called in.

'No. I'm not. Nobody ever wants me.. I hate myself and I hate my life. I'm better off dead.' Gerard let out a small, strangled sob.

Cole butted in. 'Gee, please come out, we can help you.. We love you Gee! Please don't be upset. Come on, we need you here and we don't want you to be so upset.' Cole said sadly.

'If it helps at all, Cole punched Andy in the face.' Chess said with hope in her voice.

A small giggle came from inside the toilets. They heard a slow click of the door lock and Gerard emerged, drying his eyes on his sleeve.

'I'm better now, I love you guys.' He sniffs and pulls them both into a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2014 ⏰

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