I come to a crossroads; I would hate myself if I interrupted the moment now, so instead I move my arm from around Mark's neck to down his back. My other arm moves from his chest to under his knees, allowing me to cradle him.

Mark doesn't budge; he continues his soft nibbles against my lips even as I'm now preparing to carry him to my room.

I take a mental breath in and then push off from the couch, Mark in my arms, and it's almost too easy how I'm able to lift the boy.

I feel Mark smile into my mouth mischievously, probably satisfied with himself and his plan to get me to carry him. I don't mind one bit.

With one eye on my surroundings, the other on the boy in my arms, I navigate us to the bedroom, dodging the metal statue I have next to the coat closet, and barely missing the end table that sits just outside the bathroom.

When we finally reach my door, the tightness in my crotch is almost causing me pain. I turn around and bump the door with my back, making it glide open easily. I swing myself inside, Mark in my arms, and let my left foot find its way to the door to kick it closed again.

Wasting little time, I bring Mark to the bed and lay him down gently. His mouth finally leaves mine for the first time in five minutes, allowing him to shimmy himself up the bed so that he's rested on the pillow.

I let my eyes take him in once more. There's something different about Mark; his usual sweetness comes through in the small kisses he gives and his soft voice, yet the effortlessly sexy way he's able to move his body and stare at me as though he sees right into me is something I can't quite get over.

I feel the urge to charge at Mark and show him everything I've wanted to do to him since day one; every scenario I'd thought over, every fantasy about him I'd had in the shower when I was alone, and all of my embarrassing and well-planned intentions for the day that he allows me live them out.

"There's so many things I want to do to you..." the words slip out of my mouth sternly, and without permission. I deadpan, looking at Mark quickly, hoping that I didn't frighten him.

He tilts his head nonchalantly for a moment, then a smirk forms on his wet and shimmering mouth.

"So do it then." He whispers, almost teases, in a voice that needs no further interpretation.

I feel a deep grumble in my throat surface, the thoughts of Mark naked and face down in the pillow flashing into my mind.

I crawl up the bed quickly, eager to be next to him again. Before I can lie down, Mark sits up. I swing a leg over his two and let my weight down just enough so I'm not hurting him.

We're face to face.

Mark's smirk never fades, and he quickly takes the navy blue blazer he's wearing off and tosses it onto the floor beside the bed. I stop and watch, feeling as though I'm about to open a present on Christmas day.

Mark's hands then move from his own clothes to mine; he trails his fingers up the crimson red shirt I'm wearing and then removes the first button, the constricting tightness of the dress shirt immediately disappears as the second button is removed, then the third, the fourth, until he's at the bottom button.

I let my hands rest at my side, not moving them one inch. Mark does the rest of the work, taking the red shirt off my body and tossing it so it joins his blazer.

I'm now sitting in front of him with a pair of black slacks and a thin wife beater. Mark takes his opportunity to start removing the cotton v-neck he's got on. The deep collar shows off his perfect skin, and the outlines of his collarbones.

When he lifts the shirt over his head and onto the side of the bed I get a full glimpse of just what sort of body Mark Tuan has been hiding from the world.

It's slim, yet demands attention. The toned muscles on his chest and stomach flare as he maneuvers himself so that he's on his back again. Every inch of Mark looks as though it was perfectly sculpted, and there's not a single blemish on his pale skin.

His nipples are the only color on his perfect body, two round pink spots against his pristine complexion; not too big but not too small, perfect rosy pink nubs with a nice hue to them. I imagine myself licking them, being able to taste Mark's body and hopefully make the body curl with pleasure.

I instinctively go to the muscle shirt that is still on me, removing the thin fabric easily so that I'm shirtless too. Mark's attention is piqued, and he immediately sits up again.

"Wow.." He says with an audible gasp, his soft hands yet again finding their way to my chest. The time spent in the gym, channeling all of my frustrations and stresses seem to have paid off.

Mark licks his lips again, his palm tracing over my left pec, getting a handful of my skin. I shamelessly flex for Mark, wanting to give him the whole show. Every muscle in my chest bulks suddenly, the definition popping out in a solid frame, almost like it was made of granite.

"Jesus Christ Jacks." Mark says, his astonishment turning into a blushing smile. "You're fucking hot."

I smile back without words and move Mark's hand to my arm. With a tight flex, I run Mark's hand over my left bicep. He squeezes firmly, then closes his eyes and moves his head toward my shoulder.

With determination in his movements, Mark runs his lips against my skin, his hand still massaging my muscle. His other hand is now lifting my arm, propping it up above his head. Mark's eager kisses move from my bicep and trail down to ward my armpit.

In a tangle of kisses and licks, Mark presses his face into the dip of my armpit, nuzzling himself there. The sensation sends shivers down my back and up my spine. It's incredibly hot how much he likes my body.

"Come here." Mark moans, lifting his head from my armpit for air. There's a look of urgency on his face, and I assume he's finally at his breaking point just like I am.

I oblige, moving down to the bed with him, allowing his legs to wrap around my waist securely. When I find a comfortable spot between him, I lower myself down and begin a series of kisses against Mark's ear, nibbling gently and sucking hard on his lobe.

Mark's breathing is shaky, and with every chaste bite against his ear I can feel him squirming under me with excitement. A few thoughts stream through my brain again as I envelope Mark's neck and ear in kisses.

Mark's restraint is unusually inexistent tonight, and it seems as though he's initiating most of it. I wonder to myself just how far he plans to go; and, if he's nervous, how far he'll let me go.

I decide to push the limits a little farther, and I smile as I continue my kisses down the nape of his neck and toward those nipples I can't stop thinking about.

When the tip of my tongue flicks gently against Mark's nipple there's a soft ah from Mark. His eyes close shut and I feel his hands grip against my head, fingers running through my blonde hair.

I continue, teasing the tip of his nipple for a moment, allowing my saliva to cool him and the air from my mouth to send shivers rushing across his skin. The nubs immediately get harder, and the waves of cold seem to give him goosebumps.

I can't help but giggle to myself as I lick away at him, the boy powerless to my mouth. When I feel as though he's had enough, I quickly warm him with the inside of my mouth, my tongue now working as a heat source, sucking and tugging against him.

"Fuck." Mark curses, and coming from his innocent mouth it sounds a little out of place, but hot nonetheless.

"Mark?" I question, my adventurous curiosity seething inside of me.

"Yeah?" He whispers back, breath still shaky.

"I want to fuck you."

The Only Exception // (GOT7 Markson)Where stories live. Discover now