Chapter 2 : Poles Apart

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"It's Suzy!" Haha shouted when he saw a familiar girl walk out from the stage, and her theme song was played. They are filming Episode 172 of Running Man on this day knowing that the baseball player Ryu Hyun Jin who is famous around the world will be joining them. It has been few weeks after the night where Gary unexpectedly told Ji Hyo his feelings of her complaining about her relationship with Chang Joo to him. Few episodes had passed but they could not really find a time to talk about the it. This time round, Ji Hyo, Jong Kook and Hyun Jin are in the same team. Whereas Gary, Jae Suk and Suzy are in the same team, leaving the three betrayal in a team. Two teams with the guest sat in one car and both of them automatically sat at the back. They exchange glances once in a while but not leaving out the conversation in the car. As they all reached the location of the first mission, Gary kept bursting his head thinking about what exactly Ji Hyo wanted to tell her. They all walk in group and joke around. 

Gary could not hold it anymore, he randomly dragged her behind so that she could walk with him. He cannot think of any other time for them to talk about it and it has been really long since that incident happened. "Wae Oppa?" Ji Hyo got shock of his sudden action. "Yah, you said we need to talk about something right?" he speak as soft as he could, not wanting to influence the on-going filming. "What's that?" Jae Suk's voice can be heard from the front suddenly. He caught both of them walking together at the back and wanted to joke about it. Both of them just smiled and acted like they were dating during filming, creating another Monday Couple on-screen moment. "It's fun when you can date and film at the same time.." Suzy said in envious and all of them continue their steps to where the mission take place. "We'll talk about it next time.." she quickly tell him and walked to her group. The first mission ended and all proceed to the next place, where they are asked to play dodge ball. Each team has to protect their only girl whereas the betrayal team chooses Kwang Soo or better known as Kwang Ja as their girl, making a big joke about it. Ryu Hyun Jin's strong force in throwing the dodge ball surprise everyone. Gary was trying hard to win for his team, he did all he can just to protect Suzy from getting hit. Ji Hyo who is ultimately save because of Hyun Jin's protection did not need to worry about getting hit but the only thing running through her mind is only, jealousy. She knew she has no right to get jealous of Gary being so close to another girl guest, but that particular feeling just strikes her. Without guessing, Hyun Jin's team won the first round. The producers was thinking to make it more interesting, they decided to pair up partner in different teams and play another round. Hyun Jin and Suzy in a team, Jae Suk and her 'ex-girlfriend' Kwang Ja , and also, the all time favourite Monday Couple in a team. 

Eliminating the the two men was not a hard task for Hyun Jin. The last fight is between Gary and Hyun Jin. The monster pitcher is all ready to attack Gary and Ji Hyo.The ball was passed around by Hyun Jin and Jong Kook. By normal reaction, the two unknowingly hug each other while avoiding the ball. Gary, with a heart that wants to protect her naturally hugs her tightly. "There's no need to hug!" Jae Suk said while laughing at them after the game end. They were embarrassed with their action and laughed along. Both deny and said it was coincidence that they suddenly hug each other. The day ended very quickly and night falls.They were brought to a rented accommodation for the night. Even before they rest, the producer came up with another mission where the money each individuals earned during the previous mission are used to exchange with time. Having more time definitely brings advantage as the mission is to find pillows hiden around the place for bed time, and losers will wash the plates used for their dinner before they sleep. Unluckily, Gary could not snatch or find any pillow. Gary, Suk Jin and Jae Suk, the three losers got out and washed all the plates. They call it a day and the cameras stop filming. "Have a good night sleep and we will have another long day tomorrow. Thank you! " PD Jo warmly greeted everyone and all prepared for sleep. The girls Ji Hyo and Suzy, of course, moved to another room whereas they guys all squeeze in a small room. They were all so tired, they went to bed straight after bathing or cleaning up. It did not took them long even there is so many people lining up, waiting to use the bathroom. Ji Hyo felt unwilling to move around and besides, the place provide only two bathrooms and they had to line up just to take a bath and rushed through it. She decided to be the last one bathing in order to enjoy a long warm bath. It was already midnight when everyone finally settled down."Unnie,are you not bathing?" Suzy asked in concern as she saw Ji Hyo, still in the shirt she wore since morning. "I'm going now.." she replied with laughs to her caring dongsaeng(younger sister). The bathroom was placed quite a distance away and she brought along her phone in case of any emergency situations. The lights were off and it seems like she is the only one left during this tiring night. 

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