Why do they say "If you love her, let her go"?. Cause I let her go 6 years ago. And it still hurts.


I wish I knew why Jonah left. He says "after what I did to you", but what did he do to me!?

I've texted and asked him constantly but he never responds. He only texted back once a few days ago...

Cyrus then comes in opening the door, making me lose my train of thought.

"Hey, can we talk", he says, sitting on the bed.

"What is it?" I put down my phone.

"I want to know what's wrong with you. Ever since Jonah left... You've been different. And please don't deny it. Because I know you, and you don't like staying home all day, you like having fun."

"I'm okay, Cyrus" I lie. He looks down sadly.

"He left because of me," Cyrus said.


"I told him never to talk to you again.. The night before he left"

"What!? Why!?" I yelled at him.

"I was angry!" he yelled back. "He just told me you were cheating on me! I thought he just fucked you or something! What would you do if some girl told you I slept with her!?" he stormed out, slamming the door.

I laid down, smashing the pillow on my face.

"WHY!?" I scream into it. Why did Jonah say all this?

"Maybe because it's true" I whispered.

That day I couldn't remember anything... He did something to me. And that's why Jonah said, "After what I did to you..."

Did he do it to me while I was unconscious? Asleep? That would just be weird. Why can't I just remember? Ugh...

Late That Night

It's 11:30 and Cyrus isn't home... I don't know when he left or when he's coming back. I sat on the couch worried if something happened to him.. I texted him several times, but he hasn't responded.

I was starting to fall asleep until I heard the door open.

I stood up seeing Cyrus. "Where were you?" I asked.

"Oh, you know" he smiled. "Just banging~ I mean, hanging, with other girls."

"Are you serious?! How could you be mad at me!? You~"

"Why do you care!?" he cut me off. "I read your texts with Jonah! And thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like!? Are you serious!?" His face was red.

"You love Jonah more than me!" he yelled.

I was speechless...

"If you care about Jonah being gone so much, let's see how you feel when I'm gone!" He stormed out, slamming the door again...

We're fighting. We've never fought before. At least not this badly. I didn't know what to do...

The Next Morning

I woke up finding Cyrus sleeping on the couch.

I'm glad he didn't leave. I didn't know what to say to him though...

I walked back into my room to call my dad.

"Hey Andi!" he greeted cheerfully.

"Hey dad," I said sadly.

"What's wrong?"

"I need your help."

"Anything" he assured.

"Me and Cyrus are fighting. He's mad at me because he thinks I love Jonah more than him."

"Well. Do you love Jonah?"

"No!... Yes. Not like that... I mean.. I don't know! I'm with Cyrus!"

"Andi. What does your heart want?" he asked. "You may love Jonah. But you may love Cyrus at the same time..."

"You need to decide who you love more..."

"I gotta go now. Remember, follow your heart. Bye, love you"

"Love you" I responded.

Follow my heart. Cyrus has been through it all with me...

Me and Jonah have quite the history together though. But Cyrus helped me recover from that loss. He was willing to let me be friends with my ex-boyfriend.. Until he blew it...

Who does that? Cyrus does. Cyrus cares about my feelings. It's Cyrus. It's always been, Cyrus...

I walked into the living room as Cyrus stood in front of the couch looking at me...

We stared at each other for what felt like hours.

He finally moved and walked right past me into the bedroom and into the bathroom.

5 Minutes Later

I sat by the bed waiting for Cyrus to be done in the bathroom. As he opened the door, I looked at him.

"I'm sorry," I said.

He sat next to me.

"I should be the one saying sorry," He said. "I'm sorry. For everything, and everything I said. Except for one thing.."

"What?" I ask.

"You loving Jonah more than me."

"Cyrus, that's not true," I said.

"At lunch Andi. At the diner with Jonah. I saw the way your eyes sparkle when you're with him... Your smile is brighter. You laugh more when you're with him. There's no doubt you love him more than me."

"Cmon, Cy~"

"I think we should break up," he said abruptly, looking away...

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The Boy, Cupid, And Me •Jandi+• AndimackWhere stories live. Discover now