Unexpected Land Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Warg scouts, which means a orc pack is not far behind." Thorin's words hit me hard.

"Orc pack?" Bilbo looked at Thorin.

Gandalf: "Who did you tell about your quest beyond your kin?"

"No one." Our leader replied.

"Who Did You Tell!!?" Ordered Gandalf louder.

"No One I Swear!" Thorin shot back.

"What in Durin's name is going on?" The raven haired Dwarf king asked.

"You're being hunted." Stated Gandalf.

"Hunted?" I blinked. They were after us?! 'Why?' Was all I could ask. Was this all my fault? As I was deep in thought, something come down into my open hand at my side. "Don't..blame yourself lass. This is not your fault." I knew that voice. It wasn't foreign to me anymore. Looking down at my right palm. There it was.. the bow I tried to yank off my back earlier, but failed to do so. "This is not your fault, so don't even think of it." Whispered that voice. I looked up to my side seeing Kili who was the one that slipped my bow off my back, and handed it to me.

"Now relax, we won't leave you to die. Never."

"Kili is right." "F-Fili.." Blinking I see a dagger get held up to my line of sight. A dagger that fit my slim hands perfectly. "You have a bow, and now you have my dagger." Spoke the blonde prince. "Hehe, giving her more dangerous objects of war I see." Snorted Kili. He wasn't laughing at either of us. More like trying to lighten the last few moments of freedom we had till, our lives were on the line once more. "It's to keep her alive brothe-"

Fili's words were cut off. "We have to get out of here." Dwalin looked around in panic, as more howls came.

"We can't! the ponies have bolted." Ori began to climb down the hill. "Oh no...., poor ponies......." I felt bad for them, all I hoped was that they stayed alive, and find their way back home. I wasn't never going to see Mrtyle, Minty..., or Daisy again.

"I'll draw them off." Radagast gripped his staff. "These are Gundabad Wargs they'll outrun you." Gandalf stated.

"These are Rhosgobel Rabbits! I'd like to see them try." A smirk came to the wizard's face.

"W-wait, we're seriously doing this?" I gawked at Thorin. My eyes asking him from a distance. He merely only looked at me with a stern look. Telling me I better keep the hell up, or else he will leave me behind. "I'm afraid so lass." Balin patted my back. "I'd trust those two, they're the best of us as warriors, Thorin trusts them fully. More than the rest of us." Looking back at Thorin hit me. He began spouting orders to get moving  

{Edge Of The Woods}

More howls of the dark came. We stayed hidden next to the trees. Waiting for Gandalf's signal. Here I stood next to Thorin himself, I could feel hate..., and stress flooding off him. 'W-wait, is he actually scared??' I blinked, looking down a bit from my height at him.

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