I head back downstairs ready to go. “Oh, I forgot to mention, Anne, Harry's mom, called and invited us over for dinner tonight.” Uncle Simon mentions as we head out the door.

“What?” I ask, my head snapping up. He looks at me, amusement in his eyes. Apparently my dislike for Harry Styles wasn’t as inconspicuous as I thought.

“Just be nice” he replies.

We get to the bakery and Uncle Simon unlocks the door, letting us in and starts heating up the ovens. I head around back and start to pull out the dough that had been left to rise last night and put it into the ovens. As I’m working, I hear the jingle of the bell, letting us know someone has entered the bakery. “I’m sorry, we are closed until…” I start saying as I walk out front to take care of the customer. “Oh, its you” I say bluntly, when I see Harry standing there.

He grunts, his eyes half closed, as he walks around back to grab an apron. Someone was obviously not a morning person. I head back to getting the bread ready as he begins pulling ingredients for the cakes and muffins and such. A few more workers trickled in as we worked, each going to do their respective jobs. I finish loading the breads into the oven and pause momentarily looking around to see what I should do next.

“Why don’t you help Harry with making the pastries” Uncle Simon says, noticing my pause. I frown slightly, but nod anyways before heading over to where he was working.

I stand in front of him, my arms crossed before asking, “What do you want me to do?”

“Just couldn’t resist coming and working with me could you?” he asks, cocking an eyebrow with a smirk on his face. He had obviously woken up more since he had gotten here. What a shame. I liked him better when he was too tired to talk.

“What do you want me to do?” I repeat coldly, not acknowledging his question. He grins slightly, shaking his head.

“Go ahead and start on the muffins, the recipe is hanging on the wall over there” he responds nodding his head at the back wall near all the ingredients. I nod, heading back over and reading the list of ingredients before starting to grab the necessary items. I head back over to the work station besides Harry and proceed to measure out the ingredients that the recipe called for, putting them in the giant mixer.

“Hey can you pass me the sugar?” I ask when I realize I forgot to grab it. Harry doesn’t respond, completely ignoring my request. “Can you pass the sugar?” I ask again and get the same reaction. Frustrated, I look over at him and see him bobbing his head and quickly realize he has headphones in and probably can’t even hear me. I glare in his direction and grab some flour, flicking it at him to get his attention. He looks up in surprise as flour coats his face.

“What was that for?” he asks taking a headphone out of his ear.

“I’d asked you to pass the sugar but you weren’t listening”

He raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing across his lips. “This sugar?” he asks holding up a bag. I nod my head, my eyes widening as sugar suddenly comes flying towards me. I let out a slight scream and attempt to throw my arms up to protect me but I am soon coated in sugar. I glare at him and grab an egg and start advancing towards him. His eyes widen and he starts backing up until his back hits the wall. “You don’t want t…” he starts saying as I reach up and smash the egg into his hair. I’m momentarily surprised by how soft the curls are but that thought is quickly shaken out of my mind as Harry upends a bag of flour over my head. From there it just got worse. In less than 5 minutes, the entire kitchen is covered in flour, sugar, and other baking items.

“What is going on in here?” a voice roars. We look up from where Harry is sitting on my stomach dumping sugar on my face as I attempt to squirt him with vegetable oil. We freeze seeing a very angry looking Uncle Simon standing in the doorway. Harry quickly rolls off of me and stands up. I scramble up next to him, slipping on an egg and reaching out to grab something to stop my fall. Harry’s arm is the first thing I manage to grab but instead of stopping my fall it just makes him fall also. We quickly stand up again and look over at Uncle Simon. “Look at this place” he yells gesturing around at the mess we had made. “The bakery opens in 20 minutes, how much have you two managed to bake? And how are we going to get this all cleaned up? And look at the two of you! You look disgusting! I can’t have you serving customers looking like that.”

“It’s all my fault” I say guiltily. “I started it, I’m so sorry.”

He lets out a sigh, his anger deflating. “Just start cleaning up then go home and wash up. I’ll start Marie and Katie on baking. Hopefully we won’t be to behind schedule.” He walks back out front, running a hand through his hair. I glance over at Harry biting back a laugh as I see him covered head to toe in flour and other food. I can see from his expression he is doing the same and I quickly avert my eyes as I begin wiping down the counters, dumping the stuff on the floor to make it easier to clean up all at once. Harry starts wiping down the walls since he had a higher reach than me and we had some how managed to get food up pretty high. We worked in silence until the kitchen was clean. I looked over at Harry who was still covered in food, his curls matted down with egg and vegetable oil. I smirk slightly as I head to the bathroom. I lean my head under the sink and start washing the food out of my hair as best as I could. I didn’t want to head home and leave Uncle Simon understaffed for the day. I throw my hair up into a ponytail, letting it air-dry, as I try to wipe as much food from my clothes as I could. Luckily I had had an apron on so my clothes weren’t as covered as they could have been. I grab some paper towels and wet them down as I start wiping at stains on my shirt. When I see that its gotten as good as it’s going to get, I head back to the kitchen. I freeze; shocked when I see Harry they’re perfectly clean.

“How did you… You’re all…. How?” I ask speechless.

“I have spare set of clothes in my locker that I use in case I go somewhere right after work” he says with a shrug. “I just had to rinse out my hair and change.”

“That’s not fair” I reply crossing my arm with a frown. He just shrugs as Uncle Simon comes back from around front. He looks us over and then the kitchen. “Harry, you’re out front serving, Maedbh, your staying back here and baking. I feel my face flush knowing I’m back here because my clothes are still covered in stains. The rest of the day goes pretty much without incidence. Harry left around lunchtime because he was only working the morning shift while I stayed with my Uncle until 5 when we closed. The bakery closed early on the weekends because most people would come earlier since they didn’t have to work.

When we get home, I run upstairs to take a shower to get the remainder of the food off of me and then change into some new clothes. I throw on a pair of ripped jeans, a grey tank top and a black leather jacket. When I get downstairs, Uncle Simon asks if I was ready to go to the Styles. I look up surprised. I had forgotten we were going there. “I guess…” I say reluctantly. Despite the fact that he had been nice to me at the bakery, I still didn’t trust him.

“Well let’s go then” Uncle Simon says, heading out to the car. I let out a sigh, following him outside.

“Come in, come in” a lady says greeting us at the door. I’m quickly enveloped in a big hug. I stand there awkwardly as she hugs me before pulling away and looking at me. “You must be Maedbh, Harry has told me all about you” she says warmly. I look at her shocked. There was no way Harry told her anything good about me. “Harry is in the shower right now so feel free to look around.” I nod and walk into the living room. I hear Uncle Simon and Harry’s mum start talking in the kitchen as I look around. I see a bunch of pictures of Harry and some other girl whom I’m assuming was his sister or something because there was definite resemblance between the two. I pick up one photo of Harry when he was super young wearing a bra. I hold back a laugh as I set the picture back down. Now I’d have some black mail if he and Luke decided to tease me again. I head upstairs to continue exploring. I see one door slightly ajar and push it open the rest of the way. I look around, seeing posters of different bands covering the walls. There were clothes scattering the floor also. It was obviously a boy’s room. I walk over to the dresser and see a picture of a few boys playing instruments, Harry standing front and centre with a microphone. I smile slightly as I see an iPod sitting on the nightstand. I pick it up, flicking through the music. I see a playlist labelled White Eskimo and I frown slightly. I’d never heard of them before. I plug it into the iHome and sit down on the bed as I listen to it.


Sorry it took me so long to update. I'm done with exams now though so I should be able to update more frequently. I know it's slightly slow right now but thing's will pick up soon I promise

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The Baker Boy (Harry Styles) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now