CHAPTER 14: Unconditionally

Start from the beginning

          We start shooting some pool and having a really good time.

          Anthony and I even slow danced to Katy Perry's song, 'Unconditional'. It was so romantic.

          And also, in fact, we were having such a really good time, that I no longer noticed that John and Chelsea were with us. Actually, it almost seemed as though they meaning she didn't give me bad looks and John wasn't staring at me as usual. I'm not saying I trust them still and maybe it's just cause they are a little buzzed that they are acting this cool and nice. Either way, I will take what I can and besides, we are having way too much fun together to spoil it now.

         I excused myself to the bathroom real quick since it was right next to the pool tables near us.

         As I finish up in the bathroom, I come out of the stall to wash my hands and I notice that Chelsea is looking in the mirror, looking to touch up her makeup a little bit.

        "Hey." She says.

        "Hi." I reply while washing my hands. Then trying to dry them.

         "Look. I know that I'm a bitch and haven't been the best person to you, ever since you came to our school. And I guess that it just  was that after noticing Anthony paying attention to you more than me. I was jealous. And obviously became even more enraged and insanely jealous when you two started dating. But now, seeing you both together, though it kind of hurts still, you two look great together and really do make a good couple." She says.

         I am shocked. Surprised. I'm not even sure if rather or not she is being sincere or not. Though as I take precaution still around her, I think that she might be sincere.

         "It's okay. Let's just start over." I tell her. Then hold out my hand. "Hi. I'm Mel."

         She looks at my hand then at me and chuckles a little bit (which she has never done). "Hi. I'm Chelsea." She replies while shaking my hand in return.

          We both laugh a little bit and then before we could say anything else, Briana bursts open the door and you could tell is drunk.

          "Come on girls. We are playing pool against the boys. I need a partner." She says through hiccups.

          We then head out towards where the guys are and then we start playing. Me and Briana against Anthony and her boyfriend.

          Briana and I ended up winning and as we finished our drinks, I began to feel dizzy and light headed. Which I thought was weird cause I'm not even drinking any alcohol.

           Ray puts his arm around me and asks if I'm OK. To which I shake my head a little bit and he see's I'm not feeling too well. But he doesn't offer me a ride back cause he's drunk and Anthony is in the bathroom.

           John walks up to me and tells me that he will take me back.

           Ray suggests they all go back and John tells him it's a good idea and to have Briana's boyfriend drive Anthony's truck with all of them in it so that he can take me back before I pass out.

          I can't really hear what they are saying. The next thing I know, I'm getting into a car with John and he starts driving back to the cabins.

           I feel myself being plopped onto my bed and a body on top of me. I start to tell Anthony not tonight.

          The next thing I heard was a different males voice say something in my ear quietly and soft.

            "It isn't Anthony, you slut!"

            Before I could even try to do anything, my limbs went numb and I felt paralyzed like I couldn't move as I felt some guys hands start to touch me. Then everything went black.


          I woke up the next morning, close to noon. Except that when I opened my eyes and tried to sit up, I looked next to me in bed, and it was empty.

          I place my palm over my forehead as I felt it starting to hurt. I also noticed that I was naked and couldn't remember anything from last night. Then I got up, got dressed and looked around the room before doing the same around the rest of the cabin, looking for Anthony and calling out for him. But he wasn't here.

         I assumed that he must have gone over to Ray's cabin. So I started walking over towards Rays cabin and immediately stopped as I heard a door open up and looked over and saw Anthony walking out of Chelsea's cabin. He looked like he had just woken up, but he see's me as he finishes buckling his pants up and putting his jacket on.

        My heart shatters. I can feel it shatter apart as the sharp edges of the shattered pieces pierce my chest. I suddenly can't breathe neither.

         He doesn't walk towards me. Doesn't even look like he is sorry for what he has just done. Instead, he actually looks like he is furious with me as I see his jaw and fists clench tightly.

        I haven't noticed that tears have been coming down my face and I try to quickly wipe them away as I start running back towards my cabin.

         I slam the door behind me, fall down onto the couch and start sobbing and crying the hardest I have ever cried in a long ass time.

          In fact, I'm crying so hard that that's when I hear Anthony come in.

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