He moved from his face, grabbed both his wrists and cuffed them. He leaned back down and made a trial of kisses down to Ciel's neck. He stopped and bit down hard, making Ciel scream and jerk. "F-fuck! Get off me! Alex please! Plea-"

He was cut off by Alex biting him again- this time harder. "Shut up, baby. You're actually making me feel bad for someone as pathetic as you."

Sobbing, Ciel gave up on trying to escape. There was no use. Alex was just too darn strong, so all he could do was sit there and endure it. He stopped struggling and stared at nothing in particular. Alex started grinding on Ciel's crotch. "There you go. See, this isn't so bad. Now you'll enjoy this too…I love you."

Ciel didn't say anything. He couldn't. It was like he was frozen in time. "Tell me you fucking love me, you slut!"

Silence…."Fucking tell me, Ciel!"


Ciel was sobbing now and Sebastian hated the sight of his boyfriend crying. He kissed Ciel's cheeks trying to wipe away his tears. "He took advantage of me and I thought I could trust him! After that, I spent weeks locked up in my room, crying my eyes out. I never really knew why I cried. I never loved him and now I know why. The day I met you, it was the day I finally had the courage to go out. I guess I needed a drink, to clear my mind, you know?"

"I-I'm so sorry. Do you mind if I asked you a question?"

"Hmm?" Ciel hummed in his sweet voice.

"Why did you agree to go out with me that same night?"

"I'm not really sure. The moment I saw you, something inside of me blossomed. When I looked into your scarlet eyes, I felt like I was happy again. A voice inside my head kept telling me that you won't hurt me, but I refused to believe it until later that night…."

Sebastian looked at his beloved and smiled.

"Speaking of that night, did you boyfriend really break up with you?"


"Then why did you lie to me?"

"Isn't it obvious? You were gorgeous and I wanted you to be mine."

"Oh how sweet. And how exactly is telling me you broke up with your

boyfriend going to make me yours?"

Sebastian shrugged. "Aren't you mine now?"

"Of course."

"Then it worked!" Ciel let out a light laugh. "Kitten….."

"Yes, Sebby?"

"You know I love you."

"I know." After that they both felt better. They laid on the bed and cuddled. Sebastian leaned forward and pressed his lips against his kitten's. Ciel parted his lips and his boyfriend's hot muscle entered his mouth, tasting every single spot. Ciel pulled away for some air and took off his shirt followed by Sebastian's. Sebastian kissed his lover all over and Ciel let out soft moans.

The couple laid side by side on the bed panting and sweating. "That. Was. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!"

"Kitten….I was thinking, I promised I would never leave you not even for a second right?"

Silence…Is Sebastian doing what I think he's doing?!

"And I promise to love you forever..."

No! He can't be! Not that I'm against it, but it's too early!

"So I was thinking…."

He's not pulling out any ring.

"Will you…."

Oh god!

"Move in with me?"

Oh, thank the heavens! Ciel breathed out a sigh of relief and chuckled. He answered without a hint of hesitation. "Of course I will, baby!"

"Thank God! You had me a bit worried there kitten."

"Sebby, I lo-" Ciel, for the millionth time, was cut short by a kiss from the love of his life. And just when they thought everything was going to be okay…..

Ding Dong

"What now?!"

"It's okay kitten, I'll go see who it is and I'll be back before you even know I'm gone."

He gave Ciel a peck on the lips, grabbed some sweats, and left the room.

Ding Dong

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Sebastian got to the door and opened it. The moment he saw that face, he knew someone was going to die.


MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I'm so evil! Leaving a cliffhanger like that! Who could it be? Comment and the first one to get the answer right will get a virtual hug.....and maybe if i feel like it a SebaCiel one shot. Remember, there are still a bunch of characters from the manga and anime that I still haven't introduced. So if you think you know the answer….COMMENT! And of course don't forget to vote! BYE my kittens! ^.^ (oh and thats Alex...guy with the pink hair...)

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