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She continued walking, ignoring any and every plea that she heard coming from behind her. She kept trying to convince herself that he was the one at fault here, but at the same time, it was getting more and more difficult to do. How could she have even thought that he had changed? He was still a heartless and horrible man, not a damaged or tormented boy. He wasn't deserving of that title.

She heard him getting closer, and sped up her steps, but she was too late. He grabbed her wrist, swinging her around to face him. She tried to escape his hold, frustrating him even further. 

He twisted her around again, pushing her against the tree by grabbing both of her shoulders. He grabbed her wrists, holding them in one hand above her head. He put his other hand on her waist, and stared into her eyes, as if trying to calm her down long enough to get her to look back at him. Not that it mattered, all she was seeing was red.

"Tell me what's wrong. Now." He hissed. He seemed angry that she wouldn't tell him, but she didn't care.

"No! Let go of me!" She struggled even more.

"Why should I?" He asked, his tone much softer. She looked at his face, and saw that he didn't seem as angered as he was before... He almost seemed... Caring. He stared at her lovingly, and she sucked in a swift breath when his hand moved from her waist to her face. He cupped her cheek, and bit his lip.

Did he even care that he had been yelling at her just a moment before? That she wouldn't tell him what was hurting her the most... Him?

But, at that moment, she wasn't sure that she cared.

He leaned in close to her, and she felt his breath on her face. His eyes moved down to her lips, and he took in a breath before pressing his lips against hers. She kissed back, and, in a way, she wasn't sure why she did. 

Their lips moved in sync, and he kissed her slightly more roughly, letting go of her wrists and putting his hands on either side of her head. Her breath was caught in her throat at that moment, and it was only then that she realized how wrong that it was.

He moved his right hand down to her waist, and she grabbed it, pushing it away. When he put it there again, she moved her hands up to his chest and pushed him away hard, but gently at the same time. 

She took a deep breath, and he stared at her in silence, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He stepped closer to her. "I'm sor-" She cut him off.

"Don't!" She put her hands out, making sure that he didn't move any closer. "Just... Please Murphy... Don't." She whispered the last word. She couldn't let him in. Not now, not ever.

He stayed where he was, frozen. She pushed past him, walking deeper into the forest. And that time? He let her... He let her go.

And he never regretted anything more in his life.


This is a fanfiction based on the television show entitled "The 100" on The CW, and the character John Murphy.  I only own certain parts of this plot, and I do not own any of the characters except for the ones not mentioned on the show or in the book. 

OH. And the theme song is on the side too. :)

I hope you like it. :D

Clarity || John MurphyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara