39 True story, true confession

Start from the beginning

Mitch scoffed. "Relax, you're making me nervous."

Scott closed his eyes, counted to five. "I've missed this," he breathed in Mitch's ear. Mitch shivered, and there was a pause before he replied.

Score one for Hoying.

"I - me too."

Scott slowed his breathing and concentrated on Mitch's hand in his. "Did you set an alarm?"


"Then let's sleep together."

"Thought you'd never ask."

Mitch pulled their joined hands to his lips and kissed Scott's knuckles. Soon his breathing evened out.

He's definitely flirting with me, and now we're in bed? Together? What?

Scott smiled himself to sleep, safe in their little bubble.


Mitch woke slowly, backed up to a warm solid form. A heavy arm over his waist held him delightfully captive. Scott's breath came in soft puffs over his neck and he didn't want to move. Unfortunately his bladder had other ideas. He eased himself from under the arm and went to the bathroom.

On his return he started the coffee maker. Scott stirred and turned onto his back. The light gingery scruff adorning his strong jawline almost amounted to a beard, and close up he could see his brows, fair like the mess of hair tumbling over his forehead. A few freckles dusted his nose and surprisingly long lashes fanned over his cheeks. He was stronger than Mitch remembered, the gym work he'd teased him about obviously making a difference. Those legs and thighs... and the rest.

When Scott emerged from his dressing room shower looking like a Greek god, Mitch wanted to lick every drop of water from his pale skin. He had a strong masculinity that Mitch was drawn to, wanted to lose himself within despite every clear-headed thought that he should not, that he should exercise caution.

Before, Scott had been his oldest friend and partner in crime, their youthful crushes long past. Now, he was his familiar new best friend who was gorgeous and thoughtful and totally focused on him. Separation and reunion certainly changed things, and Mitch was afraid of what that meant. He really needed to dial it back, yet he fluttered helplessly, a moth to the flame. Mitch was drowning even as he found safe harbour, and he had to find a solution. He couldn't bear to lose Scott again.

The coffee maker hissed and Scott rubbed his eyes. Mitch brought him a cup as he sat up in bed, and perched on the side.

"Here you go. Sleep okay?"

"Yeah, really good." Scott yawned. "Sorry."

"Better drink up then."

Mitch sipped and stole glances at Scott, blond hair wild and eyes bright blue after sleep. A memory stirred, and he batted it away. Be here now and leave the past behind.

Don't - it's not the same, not like that, he wouldn't. He's not the same-

"Come back," Scott said softly.

"What?" Mitch's mouth was dry. He licked his lips.

"You were gone, million miles away."

"Oh." He got up and sat on a chair. "I'm sorry."

"You apologise a lot." Scott finished his coffee and put down the cup. "If you need to talk I'm ready to listen, whatever it is."

Mitch stared at the carpet. Here it was. He couldn't escape, and in a way he didn't want to. He was tired of hiding and afraid to show all the ugly living under his skin.

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