Mitch Rapp: Part 1...

Start from the beginning

Stan: Right, get yourself changed into something more comfortable & meet us next door. (he left Mitch to change)

Mitch: Sure, see you shortly. (smiling again)

With that, Stan went down the stairs, leaving Mitch to unpack & get changed into something more comfortable.

You was sitting at the dining table finishing your fry up, getting ready to start the day properly, still slightly shocked by the news, that your training with Mitch.

Your heard stan come down the stairs & into the kitchen where you were.

He walked towards the dining table, taking a seat next to you & took hold of your hand.

Stan: Now, i need you to know one thing sweety, about Mitch. (he spoke softly)

You: Okay, what is it? (you frowned)

Stan: I know I haven't told you everything about him, but the whole reason he's here to train is becoz terrorists killed his girlfriend. (he now spoke firmly)

You: Are you serious? So he's planning on getting revenge? (you gulped loudly)

Stan: That's right & I cant have him being distracted about what he went through with her, so I need you to be absolutely professional around him? (he spoke firmly)

You: Dad, what do you take me for? You think that i jump into bed with every guy i meet? (you frowned at him)

Stan: I'm serious sweety, please just be on your best behaviour becoz I'll be watching you. (he winked)

You: Yes, okay dad, professional only. (you repeated)

Stan: Now come on, get your arse next door becoz Mitch will be there shortly, so i'll meet you both over there in a bit. (he smiled)

You got up from the dining table & walked out of the kitchen, into the hallway & out the front door.

This day wasn't going as planned & you felt abit sick inside your stomach, like needed to vomit, so you took a deep breath & walked towards the gym.

When you reached the gym door, you grabbed hold of the handle & took another deep breath.

You: Professional relationship only, he's just lost his girlfriend. (you muttered to yourself)

With that, you slowly turned the door handle to the gym & opened the door, revealing Mitch inside, punching his fists at a punching bag.

You stood there for a moment or two before deciding to let him know that you was standing there watching him.

Just looking at him from a distance working out, made your heart flutter inside, but your dad told you to be professional at all times.

But you completely brushed off these feelings, especially with him being a CIA operative & all.

You: Ahem. (you cleared your throat)

Mitch: Ohh hey. (he almost stumbled)

You: Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. (you half smiled)

Mitch: No it's fine, you didn't startle me, your dad told me to come in here & get started anyways. (he smiled back)

You: Yeahh. (you nodded & walked towards him)

Mitch: Can i ask, what training are we going to be doing together? (he asked)

You: Ermm, just the usual training of a normal mission, getting into shape & what not. (you gulped, hoping he wouldn't see)

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