Ch. 18- The Cove Day

Start from the beginning

"Alright. Fine." They cut me off to cheer. "One time, less than a year after, uh, I met Violet, a horrible storm kept Violet and I from traveling to a different island, so we decided to take shelter in a cave we found.  To pass the time, we went exploring, going deeper and deeper into the endless cave. My torch was going out- we had been wondering around for so long- when we stumbled upon a, um, giant opening like thing."

""Giant opening like thing"?" I was asked.

"Like a big room, yeah." They kept snickering. "Do you want me to finish the story or not?" They instantly stopped. "That's what I thought. Anyways, we could see a glow lighting up the entrance after we rounded the final corner. I thought I had somehow found my way back to the exit, and the storm had stopped, allowing the sun to shine through. I was wrong.

"Instead, the entire room glowed by little crystals. Most of the room was part of a huge lake. Crystals in the ground even had the water glowing. It was really cool. The water covered most of the room, going all the way to the wall. I was thirsty after hours of walking around, so I ran to the water, gulping it down. Violet did the same, so I knew it was safe. The water had this funny taste, not as if it was bad, but- I can't explain. Anyways, while we were drinking, a water dragon came up, suddenly lifting its head above the water. It stared at me, probably trying to determine if Violet and I were threats, so I held out my hand and closed my eyes like this." I demonstrated my secret to taming a dragon ((same as Hiccup's)). "Turns out, it really helps with gaining a dragons trust."

Hiccup chuckled, "Yeah, we know."

"So, after that, the water dragon, Gem, wanted to play, so we splashed around a bit and had a bit of fun. We were tired by the time we finished playing, so Violet and I spent the night and played some more in the morning. I was just thinking about leaving to find our way back outside when Gem lifted me up and pulled me into the water. Violet freaked out and dove in after us, but Gem was a faster swimmer. She led us to what I thought was the end of the room, because a wall was there blocking my view while above the water, but she went under the wall. Then she resurfaced and bam! we were outside again."

"Whoa," they gasped, amazed.

I smiled, thinking about Gem and her home. "Yeah, that was by far the coolest thing I found on my, uh, trip. It was so cool, that I brought Bard to it when he joined us. For a while, it was our emergency emergency meet up spot in case something went seriously wrong."

"Could you take us there? Please? Please? Please!" Tuff begged, literally on his knees.

"Do you know what type of dragon it was?" Fishlegs asked.

I ignored Tuff for the moment. "No, Fishlegs. I know Gem isn't a Scauldron, Thunderdrum, or Sea Shocker, though. I don't think it's very common, either. The only dragon like Gem I've seen is, well, Gem."

"Can you take us to her?" asked Hiccup. "We'd love to see her."

"Uh, maybe, but she doesn't like newcomers very well. It took a while for her to get used to Amber and Bard."


"Bard's Changewing."


"So can you take us? Please, Star. Please!" Tuff begged, getting in my face.

I looked to the others for help, but they all put on begging faces, too. I sighed. "Maybe, someday."

"Yes! Let's go now!" Tuff cheered, running to Belch, his dragon. Ruff followed, climbing onto her half of the Dragon, Barf.

"Whoa, wait! Not today! And I said maybe, and someday, as in not now," I called.

"Tomorrow then?"

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