One person was missing, though and they all knew that their trouble-maker captain was, most likely, caught up into a fight already.

"We should go look for that idiot", Zoro stated, secretly wishing to see his captain sooner.

"We all know who's the real idiot here", a certain blonde cook continued teasing him.

"Started to realize what of a moron you are eh, ero cook?" the respond was never late to come from the green haired swordsman.

"What did you say, shitty marimo?"

"You heard me, curlybrows!"

Nami decided it was time they stopped so she hit them both, without mercy. She did miss their stupid, childish fights, though.

"We shouldn't leave the ship", Robin told them. If he really is in trouble, then the marines must already know we are on this island. Getting separated now is out of the question. Not to mention that we have no idea where he might be. He will find his way to the ship, so we should wait for him here, prepared to leave any moment", she concluded, being convinced that Luffy will come as soon as possible.

Everyone agreed, knowing that it was the best way to act.

'Come on, Luffy. Where are you?' Nami thought to herself. She couldn't wait another moment until she saw him and the same was for her captain, who was now rushing towards the ship.

Not too long after, they heard a loud, well known scream.


Luffy was running towards the ship with a huge bag in his back. Every member of the crew smiled at the sight of their captain.

Nami, on the other hand, didn't stop at just that and, jumping off of the ship, she started running towards the raven haired boy who was already waiting for her with his arms wide open and a huge, specific grin on his face. She jumped in his arms, wrapping her hands around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder.

"I missed you so much, Luffy!" she finally spoke, after a few moments of silence.

"Shishishishi! I missed you too, Nami!"

Back on the ship that was only a few feet away from the two, the others were watching the scene in front of them, amazed. Sanji was the only one who was crying in a corner of the ship.

"Why, Nami-swan? I can make you a lot happier than that idiot! Why?"

The blood that was flowing from his nose at the sight of the gorgeous orange haired navigator was mixing with his tears, making Zoro forget about the weird behavior of both Luffy and Nami and start teasing Sanji.

"Oi! We should SUUPER hurry up and take our leave!" Franky announced, pointing at the navy ships approaching worryingly fast, forcing Nami and Luffy to the reality.

The two got on the ship. While Nami couldn't look anyone in the eyes because of the blush that was now clearly visible on her cheeks, Luffy, innocent as he was, didn't even notice the tension on the ship and, stretching his arms, dragged everyone in a big hug. He's been dying to see them all.

"Wait! Isn't that the Kuja pirates' ship?"

Robin was pointing at the strange looking ship that seemed to be holding the marines back.

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