He stared at me for a moment before shaking his head at me.
"I can't sit around waiting to see if you're hurt or not. I am coming. Whether you like it or not. As for the practicing the dueling, good call. They're almost as skilled as we are." He said, throwing a half smile my way.

I scoffed in response, throwing my hands up in the air in exasperation.

"You two should honestly think to getting a room. I can feel the sexual tension all the way from my dormitory." Rabastan commented dryly, as he took the seat that was across from me.

I narrowed my eyes at him, before looking back at Tom, who rolled his eyes annoyed.

I smirked before I looked back towards Bastan. Before I could utter a word, Bellatrix skipped in, with her sisters trailing behind her.

"Did you settle your differences like good little children?" She teased, sitting down next to Bastan, bouncing in the seat.

"Have you thought to searching for your brain yet? Perhaps, you could use it if you have?" Tom snapped back, settling next to me on the chesterfield.

I must admit it felt great every time he was near me. I felt safer, more confident in his presence, something about the power radiated off of him when he walked into a room made me feel safer.

The last couple of months had been great, we've grown closer than before, so much so that we need not be in the same room to hear each other's thoughts now. It was optional whether we wanted to leave or to open the link or not.

"Well, that isn't not very nice." She muttered, pouting at the floor.

"Its not nice to eavesdrop on other people's private conversations either." I said looking at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Y-yeah, Bastan. You can't just butt into other people's conversations. Who do you think you are? The Queen of England?" She asked, looking at him.

"I— didn't. I simply commented on the sexual tension that is radiating between the lot of them." He stuttered.

"Right... Well, I am going to head to bed. I-I'll see you all tomorrow. I'm not really in the mood for this." Lucius said, getting up from his seat along with most of the others.

Narcissa and Andromeda disappeared too, throwing a smile my way before they left.

After that everyone seemed to disappear, leaving me lost in thought along with Tom, who sat next to me, staring at the flames in the hearth, emotionlessly.

I knew he wasn't about drop the subject of me leaving alone, and not without a good fight. I also knew it was a lost cause.

"Alright. You win." I sighed, throwing my head back defeated.

"I knew you'd see it my way, darling." He said, smirking and winking at me as he patted my leg hard.

"Ah...Jerk." I muttered standing up and heading to my room to sleep.

Over the course of the next week we all kept meeting in the Room of Requirements, studying offensive and defensive spells.

I had them trying out DADA spells and a few from the Dark Arts, I knew that these people that were looking for me either had knowledge of it or knew spells in the Dark Arts.

We had all gotten to a point where we were all fairly matched and skilled at dueling and potion making.

Tom and I had been practicing a spell we came upon in the two books that I acquired during Christmas break.

We had practiced building our pain endurance, in case we were in a situation where our opponent wanted to inflict pain, we'd be able to with stand it to a point.

"I don't understand what we're practicing this for. It's not like we will be needing this. All we're doing is confronting this bloke. Do you real want to bound your soul with someone else's if they were to get fatally injured?" He asked as he flicked his wrist once more. "What if that person isn't a nice person?" He asked.

"It's better to be prepared. We don't know what can happen... If either one of us gets hurt the other has to do this. Do you really want to die, Tom?" I asked him, knowing the answer fully well.

He shook his head, scrunching his brows up before he squared his shoulders before he began reciting the spell once more.

A blast of light hit the far wall, before disappearing completely into thin air.

"I hope that you are right about this. Or we could get into serious trouble if something were to happen." Tom stated, before turning scanning the room entirely, checking on what everyone else was doing.

"I want to be accurate on this, Tom, but we both know that the future can change within seconds based on anyone's decisions... I've been practicing, concentrating really hard, on the future. So far, all I know is when it'll be happening... There will be deaths but not as much as there could be if we don't do this. There is a potion that I shall be brewing and administering to everyone before we run off. You wanted to be allowed to come, this is what we will all be facing." I said, as I produced a phial filled with transparent lilac liquid, showing him the potion I had but hadn't finished brewing more of it to administer to everyone.

I slowly got to my feet before I focused on the scene I had seen just after we arrived back from break. I could feel my back begin to strain and my brows begin to furrow before a clear wispy cloud-like substance began shooting out of my hands before me, forming a transparent cloth before turning into the images I had seen of the battle.

I felt as everyone's movements began to halt, a collection of gasps could be heard as they all turned to watch the scene play before them.

"Death is what we are trying to prevent here. The less fatalities we can evade the better." I said as the scene stopped playing.

All I knew that Nikolai and his army would be coming with the pretense that they were here with Grindlewald. As far as I knew he wasn't truly on anyone's side besides his own.

It would be after we graduate, meaning, that we'll be back to fight with battle, along with many who are graduating this year.

Something in the pit of my stomach told me that pain was about to come our way. I just didn't know if I would be able to prevent anything.

Iniquity Approaches Book 2 of Iniquity Series~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now