"Can I help you?" He spat in annoyance. Definitely him, nobody would disrespect a cop like that. Especially a officer that was 6 ft 7' tall and was buff. Not to seem arrogant but I was pretty intimidating, I was only given the most strenuous and serious cases. I was the largest and scariest cop in my department. I cleared my throat.

"Yes, there's been a complaint of noise and also a reported kidnap. I'd like to have a look around your residence." I answer.

"Sorry buddy, come back with a warrant and then you can. Now, if you will ex-" I interrupted him.

"Got something to hide, buddy." I question.

"No and I'd greatly appreciate it if you left." I nodded and he slammed the door in my face. I meet up with Chris who was hiding behind the wall.

"See anything?" I inquire. He nods, eyes wide. I motion for all but two of my men to come forward. Time for plan B.

We creep up to the door me in the front. I take a deep breath before swiftly bringing a leg back and swinging it forward kicking the door off its hinges. We checked each room on the first and second floor shouting out;

"Clear!" When nobody was seen. We then came upon a grey steel door leading down to a basement. Our boots thumping as we journeyed down, once at the landing we saw a scary sight. Harry was hiding under the table, a gun pointed at him. Lucky for us his snatchers back was pointed at us.

"Freeze! Drop your weapon!" I commanded. He twisted his head towards us and barked out a malicious cackle.

"Officer I think you and I both know that only one of is two is coming out of here alive and it won't be this one." He nods toward Harry.

"That's where you're wrong." I reply and I fire hitting him in the leg. He fell to the floor clutching his injured left leg. One of my men sprints forward and kicks his firearm away and begins to handcuff him. Harry presses farther into the wall if possible. The cruel man looks at Harry.

"This isn't over, I'll be back to finish my job. Try not to miss me." He smirks.

"Let's go!" My partner grunts taking him upstairs to one of the awaiting ambulances. I slowly walked towards the table and kneeled down.

"Harry, my name is James, I've been the officer working to find you. Do you think you can come out now? I promise you're safe, he's gone now." I quietly beg. Harry shakes his head frantically. The poor boy was terrified.

"N-no, I want my mama!" He cries.

"Alright, it's okay. I'm going to go get your friends, they've been waiting a long time to see you again, do you think you'll come out for them so we can help you?" I soothed. Harry nods. I slowly back away from his hiding spot and trail outside to where the others are waiting.

"He's alive, just very frightened. He refused to come out, he's hiding under a table in the cellar and he's begging for you Louis. Can you follow me?" I ask. He nods tears in his blue eyes.

Louis' P.O.V.
I nodded with tears threatening to spill. Harry had been tormented so badly he was afraid to trust someone who is supposed to make you feel safe, it broke my heart knowing this. I trail along with James to the basement where my Harry is and I see him. He's as pale as a ghost and sickly thin. His lip quivers when I come into his view. I take a knee and he stares at me, trying to decide if it's safe to venture to the open. He crawls out and latches onto me for dear life. Trembling, weeping and shivering. I bring a hand down to rub his back at an attempt to calm him down. I felt something wet where my hand was and Harry flinches when I touch him. I release him and take a peek at his back. As I examine him, I see long stripes running down his back. Thick crimson liquid runs out of the wounds. Blood.

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