new kid on the block // wyatt oleff

Start from the beginning

i nodded slightly.


"my bike," he pointed to a bmx bike on the side of the road as we walked up to it, not far away from the nearest neighborhood.

'i'll walk it, if you want." i offered. he denied.

"i'm fine. now i can have something to lean on," he smiled.

we walked and talked the whole way, talking about jack, finn, jaeden and sophia the whole time.

we arrived to his house. 

" here we are." he said, rubbing his neck shyly.

"yeah..." i said sadly.

i was walking away when someone grabbed my wrist.

"i-uh-i could actually really use your help," wyatt said, me turning over so i could face him.

"with what?" i asked, narrowing my eyes at the noodle-haired boy.

"this," he pointed to his knee, which was still bleeding.



*1 hour later*


wyatt pov


we went back to the tree, which the kids were at.

"hey! what took you guys so long?" the tall boy asked, looking over at us with his sea-green eyes.

"probably sucking faces! am i right jack?" the freckled boy exclaimed, holding his hand up in hopes of a high-five.

the short kid named jack just shook his head in response.

"we saved these for you." the girl with bright blue eyes said.

she handed us each a mud bar.

"thanks, soph." y/n thanked her.

"yeah. thanks." i said.

"so. welcome to the losers club..." the tall boy was expecting me to say my name.

"wyatt," y/n said for me.

"his name is wyatt," she looked over at me with her sparkling e/c eyes.

"wyatt. welcome," the boy with dark brown hair said.

the rest of them introduced themselves.

i think i just found my new best friends.


*1 week later*


narrator pov


y/n was sitting on hickorman's hill, watching the sunset.

she did this every saturday.

it calmed her; it somehow told her everything was going to be okay.

there was rustling behind her.

"soph?" she said, hoping a red-headed girl would wander through the bushes.


it was a curly-headed boy.

the one she met a week ago.

the one who had a busted knee.

the one who thought she didn't care about.

the one who said she was the prettiest girl he's ever seen.


that one.

"oh. wyatt," she turned back to the sun.

"hey." he responded.

he sat down next her.

"so...i came up here to ask you something..." he said, slyly wrapping his arm around y/n's waist.

she flinched, but didn't move.

she looked over at him with her gleaming e/c eyes.

"what is it?" she asked, cocking her head slightly.

"will...will you..." he stopped.

for a moment, it was silent. not a creature was stirring.

then wyatt crashed his lips into hers.

he held her so close, she could've melted into him.

"i love you, y/n." wyatt said, pulling away.

"i love you too, wyatt oleff," y/n smiled, placing her head on his shoulder.


okay yeah i know the ending was cheesy but yeah. next up is jack, as requested by me. later losersssss.
Word count: 930

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