"If that was true, if she really wanted what was best for me then she would allow me to see Harry." I tell him, slamming the car door. I walk in, heading straight for my class. When I walk in my eyes land on Izzy where she was sitting in her regular seat. I frown though when I see someone sitting in my usual seat. Not thinking too much of it, I just sit in one of the empty seats.

"Miss Clark, you're late." my teacher tell me.

Oh, really?  "I'm aware." I retaliate.

"Excuse me?" I just shake my head, attempting to dismiss the conversation.


Throughout the entire lesson I was completely zoned out, not listening to any of the historic facts that the teacher was throwing at us. As soon as the dismissal bell rings I shoot out of my seat, jogging out to find Izzy. "Hey, Iz, is everything okay?"  I ask, a small smile on my face. She doesn't answer, just scoffing at me. "What?" I ask, genuinely confused about what her problem was.

"Oh my god!" she suddenly yells, surprising me as I step back slightly, some people in the hallway turning their attention to us. "Why did you try to sleep with my boyfriend? No one wants your fucking diseases!" she cries. I frown, confused about what the hell was happening. What the fuck was happening right now?!

I decide to go to the cafeteria without Isabella, not wanting to deal with her shit right now. As I walk down the hallway, I hear people talking about me, talking to one another about 'the STDs I had'. I try to ignore them, but I find it hard when some girl comes up to me, abusing me about trying to get with the boyfriend that Isabella didn't even have. She accused me of having all these different STDs. I couldn't take it anymore, tears constantly falling down my cheeks.

Running away from the scene, I sprint out of the school, needing to get as far away as possible from these horrible people. Walking fast down the sidewalk as the tears fall, my makeup presumably being smudged, but at this point I didn't care. It takes about half an hour before I register where I am. Biting my lip I walk in, going into the elevator and heading to the top floor.

When it stops I walk straight out to be greeted by a receptionist. "Hello, do you have an appointment?" she asks, ignoring her I just walk straight past her. "Excuse me, you can't go in there!" she shouts but I ignore. Pushing the door open I see Harry with Louis sitting on the opposite side of his desk. They were laughing about something, stopping when the door opens. Harry goes from pissed that someone has interrupted him to concerned.

"Miss, you can't go in there!  Stop! Sir, I'm sorry, she wouldn't listen." the receptionist says, annoyed with me and scared for what Harry was going to do.

"Erm, no it's fine. Ah, please cancel my next meeting, Ruby." Harry says, turning his attention to me. "Come in, Miss Clark. Ah, thank you for everything Tommo. We'll talk soon."

"Okay, than. See ya, mate, bye, Nardia." I try to smile warmly at him but fail miserably.

Harry locks the door, walking back over to me. He let's me sit down before kneeling down in front of me. "What's wrong, baby? Who the fuck did this?" I just shrug, not being able to muster up my voice. The conversation is halted by a knock on the door, followed by Ruby's voice.

"Sir, Mr Horan would like to see you in ten minutes."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come here, I know you're extremely busy. Sorry." I say as I stand, but I am stopped by Harry, pushing me back onto the chair.

"You're not going anywhere." he tells me with a reassuring smile. "Tell Mr Horan that I'll be there soon."

"Okay," Ruby says as she walks away.

"Now, please tell me what happened."i was surprised that his tone of voice sounded genuinely concerned.

"Izzy." is all I need to say for Harry to understand. "She spread these horrible rumours about me to the whole school. Now everyone hates me because I have STDs and I tried to get with 'Izzy's boyfriend'." I explain, Harry's brows pulling in.


I shrug. "I don't know, maybe because I wouldn't go out with her last night." Harry rolls his eyes shaking his head at the possibility.

"Well, don't worry about that little bitch, you've got me, love." I smile, appreciating his warmness. "I'll be here all day, so you can stay as long as you want." he smiles, peppering kisses on my inner thighs, small giggles falling from my lips.

He surprises me when he reaches up, pressing his lips onto mine. My smile only grows at his kind gesture. "I've gotta sort out my meetings and a few contacts. You can hang around." he says and I nod. Going over to his swivel chair, he dials a number on phone, leaving it on speaker, Mr Horan answering.

"Harry," Mr Horan greets

"Hey, Horan. So, you wanted to see me?"

"Yeah, is that possible?"

"Yeah, just come down. Oh, by the way, Nardia is here with me."

"Okay, I'll be right there." he says enthusiastically, hanging up the phone Harry turns to me with a smile.

"So, I have a meeting later that you won't be able to come to. I can postpone it or something if you want?" I shake my head.

"No, you can't rearrange your whole life for me." I say and he nods, a knock disrupting our conversation. Harry stands, unlocking the door and opening it to reveal Mr Horan standing behind it.

Niall walks in with a massive grin, however, when he notices me at my state he furrows slightly. "Is everything okay?" he asks and I nod a little. My attention turns back to Harry, his attention already on me.

"Erm, can I clean myself up?" he nods.

"There is a bathroom down the hall. Ask Ruby to show you."

Harry's P.O.V

As Nardia walks out Niall looks at me, his eyebrows knitted together.

"What's going on, Harry? Why is she running to you? You're... not involved with her are you?"

"Yeah, we've done shit, but it's nothing I can't handle." I assure him.

"Oh, really? What about what happened with Kendall? You thought you could handle that too."

Kendall was my rebound after Vanessa and I divorced. She was my receptionist, maybe a few years older than Nardia. She was far too clingy, making our 'relationship' obvious to people, everything becoming so much more complicated between the two of us. Nardia's relationship with me is different. I'm not just sleeping with her,  I actually care about her.

"Don't compare this to her. Kendall was just a rebound, I care about Nardia.

"Just be careful, mate."

"Yeah, okay. Perhaps we should get back to business."


Super long chapter!!  You're welcome haha xx

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