‡3‡ Of Beauties and Barbarians

Start from the beginning

The three blondes on the other hand were not yet established clearly enough as "off limits", so going about the village unescorted by Leon was a risk. And the leers! Oh, the leers. Never before had he felt so much like a prime cut of meat. He would never get used to being looked at like they would very much like to devour his flesh and jump his bones. He did not fancy being bonded to one of those apes, so visits to the village were kept at a minimum.

Even so, the few times Emil set foot in the village served as another nail in his coffin of reality. He really was stuck in a primitive world full of brutish He-men and horseback riding sword wielding maniacs.

The thought was still hard to swallow.

Lukas and Tino had spent the entire winter throwing them into the few books in Yao's collection (written in one of those cheesy old dialects no less) trying to find some way to go home. They found not even a clue.

After spring arrived, they tried several times to dive to the bottom of mirror pond which turned out to be quite shallower than they expected. Still no luck.

'Stupid puddle,' Emil thought bitterly. They three were at a dead end. They had no way back.
After they had weathered the next few days of depression and pure homesickness, they acknowledged that they were stuck there for now and decided to do something with themselves. They couldn't just keep mooching off Yao and Leon forever. Unfortunately, in this primitive world, a working omega was practically blasphemy, unlike back home where it was merely frowned upon. Even if you did find work, it would be akin to working in one of the seediest bars back home stark naked and hoping you don't get harassed. Nine out of ten times, you'd get molested. Lack of omega rights and all that.

This practically spelled doom for his workaholic brother, but they found solace in Yao's occupation: herbal remedies.

The medical care in this world was shit. It was still at the level of wild herbs and junk. Finding a competent healer in this world was like finding a needle in a haystack, therefore, Yao, with his knowledge of his family's traditional herbal remedies and basic first aid, made a killing.

Lukas took to Yao's teachings like a fish to water. He and Tino became two extra pairs of hands for Yao. Their newfound medical skills were put to the test very soon when injured travelers started streaming through the village in early summer.

It was mentioned briefly by Yao, but there really was a war going on in this world, and judging by the sudden influx of patients, it was heating up. As a result of these patients from out of town, it seemed word of Yao's expertise spread too.

According to Yao, this land was ruled by many different clans that constantly fight to claim more land. The head of each clan was like a feudal lord and taxes were paid to the ruling clan of your area. The land that the three displaced omegas were now unwilling residents of was under the rule of the Winter clan who were at war with the Kohler clan to the west. At first it was just quiet hostilities until it became skirmishes. Yao fears that it would dissolve into war soon. He apparently witnessed the previous ruling clan of this land get usurped by the current clan, their leaders executed and their wives, daughters and all omegas captured.

Of course, it was no cakewalk for the villages like this one that would get caught up in these fights. It was not uncommon for villages to be pillaged and this one was one of those villages relatively closer to the border. The most they could do was send out patrols to take care of bandits and detect attacks.

That's what Leon and that group of alphas were doing the night they showed up, and the reason for his suspicion of them in the first place.

Speaking of said hunk.

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