"Anyway she's back tomorrow so I should probably go back to the apartment tonight and try and make it look like I have actually been there"

"Okay But right now we need to get to work"

"Yeah, let's go" Jay said as they through on their clothes.

"Same clothes really Jay?"

"I ran out... let's go" he said ushering her out the door."

Jay and Erin were late and they ran up the stairs into the bullpen, "You're late" Voight said

"Sorry Sarge, my car wouldn't work, Erin had to pick me up."

"Same clothes" he peered over

"Yeah the washer broke"

"Okay, no more being late"

"Sure sorry" Erin said sitting down.

It was only about ten minutes later when Voight came storming out his office, "open gunfire downtown, Bobby and Theo. Let's go!"

All of the team ran down the stairs grabbing their guns and vests as they went. As the cars sped towards the building but not realising One of them was up on the roof as he opened fire. As he fired his gun, bullets shattered through Erin and Jays window-screen, the car swerved out of the way and Jay jumped out but Erin didn't follow him, "Er come on!" He shouted firing at the roof but as he turned around and looked through the car he saw Erin sat there.

Jay ran around her side of the door and pulled
Open the door, "what's wrong?"

Erin dropped her hand from her stomach as Jay saw the blood which was soaking through her shirt, "Shit Erin" he pulled her out of the car and pushed his hand down on her stomach while grabbing his phone, "Voight get an ambo down here, Erin's been hit"

"What about her vest?"

"She didn't have time to put it on"

"I've called it in, just hang tight"

"HANG TIGHT... she's bleeding out"

"We got Theo and Bobby, we're coming now"

Jay pushed his other hand down on top of the other and looked down at Erin, "Erin, keep your eyes open ok"

He eyes flickered back open and she looked at him, "It was fun Jay"

"What was?"

"Seeing you again... I really missed kissing you everyday"

"Yeah well that's not over yet, you just have to stay awake. Come on Erin I can hear the sirens"

"Me too..." Erin's eyes closed and Jay picked her up off the street and ran down the road towards the sound of the sirens. Jay ran around the corner and saw Voight, "Halstead!" He shouted

"She's out. I couldn't wait any longer where's the ambo?"

"Coming around the corner, I'll stop it"

As Voight stopped the ambulance, Jay ran and placed Erin on the gurney and she was pushed into the ambulance, "she... umm... there was no exit wound"

"We got it, We'll meet you at med"

"I'll be there soon Erin!" Jay shouted as the paramedic shut the doors.

Jay stood back and watched as the ambulance drove away. He took a few more steps back until his foot hit the sidewalk. "I gotta get to med but the cars shot up"

"I'll drive, let's go" Voight said running to his car.

At Chicago med

Jay ran through the doors at Med and looked around for Erin checking every room, "where is she!" He shouted at Maggie

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