Anthony really is going to kill me when I finally arrive.

“Ana just relax.” The way that her voice sounded I could just imagine that she had her serious face on, moving her hands in a calm motion. “You don’t have to worry about Anthony finding out that you’re going to be, well already are late. Because he isn’t her today, neither is Sarah actually. I know it’s a bit of a coincidence them both not here on the same day.” And that was all that was needed for a loud laugh to come from us both, knowing full well that we are on the same page in this context – that we are led to believe it is true that Sarah and Anthony are fucking. “But can you hurry up getting here? It’s just I’m tied up with doing three hundred things at once.”

Despite the fact of knowing that Jess was of course unable to see my nodding head, I did it anyway and finally stood up properly from the bed. “Ok, I’ll try to get there as quick as I can Jess.” Smirking a little as I noticed the evident frustrating in the sigh that has just escaped her lips, I headed towards the front door and began to make my way out to car once we had said our goodbyes on the phone. Just the thought of having no Anthony or Sarah at work today puts me at ease, a lot of ease in fact. As this way there is going to be no bad vibes floating around the air, well that is of course down to if the customers decide to complain or not. But who really knows?

So placing my bag down onto the front seat beside me and skipping a few tracks on my 30 Seconds to Mars album that was in the built in stereo, I eventually started to drive the short distance to work. And for once in my life when the concept of work is involved, a smile made its own appearance across my face. It is not the fact that I do hate my job by any means because I do not. But when you work with a stuck up bitch that only cares about herself and your boss favours her by claiming that she does no wrong, then you would start to hate it for all of the wrong sort of reasons. That is the exact reason for me; I do not hate my job but I hate those two that work with me.

But today really is not going to be like any other working day for me. As stupid and pathetic as it may sound to some, I am excited to just be working with Jess today.


“Oh look who’s finally decided to arrive.” The teasing voice of Jess’ came out with as I stepped foot into the café, hearing the bell of the door ring a little as I shut the door closely behind me. On looking up at her I was not disappointed to find a rather large smirk propped against her lips as she served the few customers in the line in front of her. So with a shake of the head I made my way around to the back of the counter. “I need a word with you by the way.” Stopping me dead in my tracks as I was about to head into the staffroom, I looked back up at her again with nothing less tha a look of confusion written right across my face. Questioning in what it may possibly be about.

“Me?” I asked. Looking at her as I discarded my cardigan from around me as my bag lay placed on the side. To which she immediately nodded her head, showing a slight sense of her mothering role that she loves to portray from time to time as she had her eyebrows furrowed at me. “Well what is it about then?” Asking in confusion still as I continued to look at her, I tried to think up of all of the possibilities. Unluckily for me, nothing came to mind. Not even a single thing as I stood there behind her just thinking though all of the recent events in my life. To make things much worse she simply tapped the side of her nose and turned back around, teasing me to the max.

Hearing a slight snigger of laughter coming from her own mouth as she continued to serve the last remaining customer in line, I stayed firm in my position of looking at her in disbelief. But just as I was about to question her further on it, I was no longer given the chance to do so as she stepped in before I was able to. “Hmm I don’t know, perhaps the fact that a certain Marco Reus called in sick for you instead of yourself?” And just as she had uttered those words I immediately felt myself starting to blush a little, my whole entire face turning from my typical pale complex to a red tomato kind of look. I was embarrassed to say the least if I am being completely honest now.

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