Lemondrop Shots and Angel Shots

Start from the beginning

"The tall guy at the bar? With the curly black hair?" You asked. She nodded and you shook your head. "That's my ex. His name is Michael. He's very manipulative and very abusive."

Leanne frowned and looked over again, her shoulders sinking. "Damn it."

You looked towards the exit again. "He can't see me. He broke into my house yesterday."

"What?" Leanne asked, eyes wide. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, my boyfriend's dog was there and my boyfriend came home a few minutes later. But he can't see me."

Leanne nodded and thought for a second. She pulled you back into the bathroom and paced for a second. "I've got an idea," She murmured, "stay here." She stepped out of the bathroom and you bit your lip. A second later she came back and another girl followed her in. "Hi, my friend's ex just came in and he's crazy. Could you go to the bar and order two angel shots, one neat, and one with lime?"

You frowned, looking at Leanne as the girl's eyes widened and she nodded, hurrying out. "What's an angel shot?"

"It's this code that people are using in bars and clubs lately, it means you're uncomfortable. Neat means you wanna be walked to your car, with ice means you need them to call a car for you, and with lime means to call the police."

The girl came back in and nodded "The bartender wants to know how much lime."

"He broke into her house yesterday," Leanne told her.

The girl went back out and a few minutes later someone knocked on the door. "Angel shots."

Leanne took your hand and walked out of the bathroom, where the bartender was waiting. "Cops are on their way. Where's your car?"

"It's in the lot." You told him as he led you both out a back entrance. "Who's your ex?"

"The guy at the bar with the short curly black hair."

He nodded and walked with you and Leanne into the parking lot. When you got close to your car you hurried to it and Leanne got into the passenger side. "Thank you," you said to the guy before you hurried out of the parking lot, pulling over a few blocks away. "I don't want to get a ticket," you murmured. "What about your car?"

"I'll get it in the morning, don't worry. I'm sorry I invited you out tonight. If I had known-"

You shook your head quickly. "Don't worry about it, really. There was no way for you to know."

Leanne frowned, looking out the window. "I am so bad at guys. So far, this is the fifth guy I've met who I shouldn't be anywhere near." She shook her head again. "I'm sorry, I don't wanna make this about me."

"Hey, don't be sorry. I get it, trust me." You said, laughing quietly. You looked out the window and smiled. "Come on," you said, turning the car off and getting out.

Leanne got out and frowned. "What?"

"Just because your date went sour before it started doesn't mean we can't have some fun." You said, pulling her into a bar across the street. She laughed, shaking her head at you as you walked in together, marching straight to the bar. "Two vodka shots with lemon slices and some sugar, please."

"Each," Leanne added, sitting beside you and grinning.


Four hours later you got out of your Lyft, opening the gate and walking up the driveway. Tyler's car was gone, and you opened the front door as quietly as you could, still a bit tipsy despite the massive amounts of cheesy bread you and Leanne had eaten. You stepped inside and locked the door, stopping the alarm before it could announce your arrival. You slipped your heels off and picked them up, walking towards the stairs.

"You are in big trouble," Dark said from the living room. You jumped, turning to look at him.

"I know, I know," you gushed, "I should've called. I'm sorry, I just didn't want to tell you over the phone, and then I was kinda drunk, and I thought it'd be better to wait to tell you altogether, and- Why are you wearing a suit?"

"Didn't want to tell me what?" He asked, the anger draining from his face quickly.

"Um... We had to order angel shots."

Dark was in front of you a second later, his hands on your sides. "What? Why, what happened?" He asked worriedly.

You bit your lip and looked at the floor. "He was at the bar."

Dark's arms wrapped around you quickly, pressing you to his chest. "What happened? Why didn't you call us?"

"Nothing happened, we went to the bathroom and when we came out he was there. So Leanne got some girl to order angel shots for us and we left the bar and went to another one."

"Why didn't you-"

"I didn't want to worry you, and I wanted to just forget about it. I wanted to have fun with a friend without letting him ruin it."

Dark frowned and brushed some hair from your face. "You could've told me, Y/n, I wouldn't have tried to stop you from having fun."

"You would've wanted me to come home and relax."

"Would that have been so bad? You could've gone out tomorrow night and had fun too."

"I didn't want to let him ruin my night with Leanne, and I didn't want to come home. You look at me like I'm gonna break whenever he comes up."

Dark shook his head, stepped back. "I look at you like I want to keep you safe and I'm failing at it. I know you're strong, but that doesn't mean I want you to feel like you have to be strong around me."

"So you want me to be weak?" You asked, crossing your arms.

"No, we want you to feel safe with us. We want you to be comfortable enough to be sad or scared around us. Even at PAX, you told Mark you were fine when you were clearly upset. We want you to let us love you and be here for you like you're here for us."

You shook your head and looked down. "I know you're here for me, both of you."

"Then act like it, princess." Dark stepped closer, pulling you to his chest. "Act like you have people who love you and are here for you. You don't have to be so strong all the time."

You bit your lip and pressed your face against his chest. "I just don't want you guys to feel like you're doing something wrong."

Dark shook his head, pressing his lips to your hair. "You don't have to worry about us all the time, you know. You can worry about yourself too." He bent, lifting you into his arms, and gave you a small smile. "Now, let's get you to bed. I have the feeling you're gonna wake up with quite a headache."

Markiplier Vs Darkiplier (Markiplier/Darkiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now