The Story of Mica (Amended)

Start from the beginning

"Nah, he wouldn't mind that sort of thing as long as his son is not receiving. I think he would be more pissed that his son wants to be a doctor."

"Hum. You have a point." They chatted as she read so he could explain things to her if necessary. Then she got ready, went to the meeting and talked some inflated old farts into investing in them, then went back to bed at first chance. 

Mica came to check on Sissy and found her door locked. The sign on it said Do Not Disturb Unless you are God coming to end the World. Even then can you do so quietly?

She turned and bit at her nails. She couldn't go in there now. She didn't have the keys for Sissy's office room. It used a palm scan. Instead she walked away. She had other things to do.


The news of the gang fight spread quickly. Two heard about it and was relieved to see Four was not involved. Still, he had no idea were he was and this wasn't the first time he had pulled a stunt like this so they hesitated to file a full report. Two was scared it would come back to bite him in the ass.

Four showed up for work. He was now the darling of the house because, for a rich boy, he was quite handy. He explained that he was never really good at school but he was always good at making and fixing things. His dad thought, pushed him to do business and he hated it. That was the source of their discord.

Everyone lapped it up especially when he brought the girl his dad hated. When they saw how pretty she was and that he had to sign to her, they cursed his father to hell and back and gave him free reign to do as he pleased. 

Carefully, and with gloves on, he searched every part of the house and gathered all the evidence he needed. It took him a couple of months as he carefully did room by room, making sure to do it when the cameras were off and the owner was home. She never had them on when she was home.

By then he was almost too late...


"He's not here."

"I know. Did she come there to look for him?"

"Maybe. I'm not sure."

"Don't. Just stop. When I gave you the boy, I expected you to take care of him. He was three. Now everything is a mess."

"And who's fault is that?! It was just supposed to be a test! You did this to me!" There was heavy breathing over the phone then the line went dead.

Sissy sighed and put down the phone. She had done this to Tess. the woman had been a tester for one of their first drugs for depression but she had enjoyed the drug a little too much. It was by accident that she had heard the family secrets and that's ow she had gotten involved. For a time she had even been a friend but something had happened. The drugs played a part but there was something else. Something that had happened that only Tess knew.

What the hell was it? No investigator could figure it out. It was a mystery. A dark mystery that might just cost them their lives.


Everyone woke with some form of a hang over the next morning. Forth had it the worst but Beam wasn't that far off from him. The sex had helped though. And boy had their been lots of it. Alcohol tended to rev Forth up and make him horny just like that night. Beam winced as he sat down to eat but he wasn't that different from Mon or Kit and Yo was the worst. He looked pale and utterly tired.

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now