She was running with a phone in her hand screaming, "Black mail wednesday!!!"

Then Codi ran by with her hair slightly curled and was wearing an adorable superman onsie, with her super man snapback and superman fuzzy socks.

She looks so huggable!

She started screaming, "But it's Friday!!!!!!!!"

I giggled...In a manly way and walked over to the TV room to see a 69 inchscrean TV an 2 love seats.

Codi's POV

I got on my favourite insie and snapback with matching fuzzy socks.

Can you guess who was on it? YURP!!!!!!

SUPERMAN!!!!!!!!!      <3<3<3

"Come down Codi Luke and Felix will be here in 5." Sam shouted.

I ran down stairs. and 'flew' onto the couch. 

That basically means that I tripped on the rug and face planted on the couch.

I heard Sam walk in and start having a laugh attack. I heard a few camera sounds and jumped after her.

I heard the door opening as i ran by the front hallway after Sam. "Black mail Wednesday!" she screamed, and I realized that she ment she was either going to post it or use it incase she needed revenge.

"But, It's not even Wednesday!" I shouted after her.

She ran back into the livingroom, and jumped on the couch next to Luke and wrapped her arms around him.

I went to the other couch trying to make it look like I was sad. I forgot to mention that if I have even the smallest amount of soda, i get alittle hyper. I basically act drunk.

"Awww... Does Codi want a cuddle buddy?" Luke said in a baby voice.

I looked up with my baby face and nodded. 

"Felix go cuddle with her." Sam said.

He slowly walked over to me and sat on the couch next to me. 

I looked at him with puppy eyes and held my hands up in the air like a small child asking for their parent to pick them up.

He looked over at me and hugged me, thinking that is what i was asking for. I crawled on his lap and sat there hugging him while my head was nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

I looked up at him and started having a giggle fit."What?" he said starting to chuckle at my awkward behavior."Y-you-r f-face!!!! I-t l-look-s like- a-a-a p-p-puppy f-f-ace!!!" I said inbetween laughs.

"Sam! Did you give herr soda?!?!?!" Luke screamed.

"NO!" Sam said. Yes, she did.

" Yes, you did you lying dafadile! You said, 'Here Codi drink this. It is funny when you get all weird.'You were even laughing when I started talking to the fire hydrent!" I said quoting her. 

"Why did you talk to a fire hydrent?" Puppy-face said.

"I'm not even know!" I shouted one of the many incoherent sentences I shout when I'm hyper.


 I was in the living room looking through the movies, and Sam called me into the kitchen.

"hey, what's up?" I asked.

She handed me a cup and said, 'Here Codi drink this. It is funny when you get all weird.' I shrugged and drank it.

I was uddenly really hyper and started running around the kitchen and ran out the door. I looked around and saw i fire hydrent. 

Before. Sam could chase me, I ran over and sat indian style infront of it. I was suddenly, very curious as to what it was doing, just sitting here. 'Mr. hydrent? Why are you alone. " i asked, and soon we were having a full out conversation until Sam came and brought me home.

*end of flashback*

"Whatever let's just watch a movie."Luke said.

"Let's watch Twilight. It's funny to watch Kristin Stewart be a monkey!' I shouted.

"Nah Let's play a game...Truth or dare anyone?" Sam said 

Oh god this should be fun, esspecially beacause I'm hyper!!!


Hey awkjward ninja turtles.

This is the long chapter that I have promised. I have to go. They will get longer 

Luv y'all



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