"Don't worry sweetie. When you're older, I'll tell you. But for now, let's take care of daddy okay? You have to rest and eat too so you can be my strong girl." I smiled.

"I will!" She smiled back widely and hugged me again.

I rubbed her back and kissed her on the cheek. She started touching my neck from where those men had injected me that made me flinch and pulled away from her.

"Hm not there sweetie.. But um go next to daddy, on the other side and rest with him okay? I'll watch you both." I smiled and placed my hair to the side where I had the wound from the injection.

"What happened there?" Steven asked as he leaned on wall.

I saw him at the corner of eyes and looked at both Hunter and Noah. I cleared my throat as I ignored the question. Instead, I held Kristoffer's wounded arm and felt it healing faster and faster by the minute.

"You all should go rest. He'll be fine and will be awake in a bit." I informed.

"How do you know??" Mason questioned.

"I felt it. My mate will just be fine." I smiled and brushed his messy hair neatly and gave a kiss on the forehead for luck.

"Jay, I'd like to speak with you outside, privately." Steven said as I nodded.

"Yeah sure." I said and turned myself around to face half of them. They looked at me. Their eyes seemed angry and hurt, but that barely mattered to me. They just didn't understand why I did what I did. Well maybe not all of them.

I looked at them before I began to walk outside with Steven. It was a silent walk, we never really said anything to each other during the hallway, going down the stairs, and even passing by the living room.

'I wonder what he wanted to talk to me about?' I thought to myself.

Steven's POV

We stopped by the front door and went on outside, for a private conversation that being outside while the rest is upstairs, they won't be able to hear anything.

"So what's this private chat you wanted to talk about?" I questioned.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at her, "did you ever love me.?"

"Yes." She answered quickly.

"What did you feel for me?"

She shrugged, "I felt comfortable. Happy and just something I've never really felt around any guy. I mean, you're the only guy I've actually been friends with by getting to know you all. Not just like a hey and pass."

"Hm.. Really?" I questioned slowly.

She nodded her head, "I suppose. Isn't loving someone the same thing as liking a person??"

"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow, "uh no.. Liking someone is more of an emotion that you get with feeling happy just like you said.. And loving someone, the person basically means the whole world. They're your everything.."

She gave a focusing stare at me, "I'm sorry, but I guess I just liked you. I mean, I've never loved before. I've always thought they were the same thing because either way, you're with the person you like."

I shook my head, "well yes I understand that you're new to this feeling, but they're two different things. Like isn't as deep as loving someone.. But I guess you just liked me.." I said sadly.

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