It's the only way you won't get in trouble ... he says

Well then fucking respect me my mom is going to take care of Madison you can leave like you always do so let go of me ... I said as I yanked my arms out of his grip and he nodded as he clenched his jaw

just fucking wait .... he chuckled

I'm not scared of you ....

It's fine I don't want you to be scared of me ..... he says

damn you look hot  .... brea says

Thank you you look pretty sexy for a nurse .....

it turns on the doctor so .... brea says and I turned to where Jc was and he was a doctor and I began to laugh

Cute ... I said and took a sip of my drink

I thought Kian wasn't coming ... brea says

He wasn't ....

Well then why did he just come in ... brea says over the loud music and I turned around and Kian walked in

you want to slow down ... bobby says as I was sitting on the couch just keeping my eye on annika she's pretty fucking hot I don't trust no guy here and she's already fucking wasted so am I we look at eachother and take shots just to make eachother more pissed

No ... I mumble as I wiped my mouth and annika kept looking right at me as she was dancing with brea grinding her ass against brea

why aren't you with annika .... bobby says and I looked at him

Being engaged is interesting my friend ... I said as I stood up to get more drinks
let's go upstairs.... I wrapped my arms around annika

look who is giving me attention now .... She shout and began to laugh then I just grabbed her as we walked inside upstairs

This is w-why I hate you Kian you don't give me attention anymore you are probably Fucking someone else right ... She says as i put the pin in and the door opened

yeah yeah ... I mumbled as I tried to see the numbers clear and when I finally had the door open I pushed her inside and she began to laugh

You never fucking give me attention like you used to ....  she says I just walked towards her and kissed her she kissed back we began to make out then I took her shirt off right after I did I pushed her against the wall then she took my shirt off

You want attention ...  I said as I placed kisses down her neck and lower and she just nodded

Y-yes I do Kian ..... she says and i pulled down my pants with my boxers

do me this one favor baby girl ... I said as I kissed her and she nodded

O-okay .... she smiles and placed kisses on my chest going lower as she kneed down I just looked down at her and I closed my eyes one because I really waned to do so much more to her and second well she's really fucking good at it

w-what are you going to do .... I said as he was zipping his pants up

Get on the bed lift up your skirt your back facing me  ... he says

W-we Um can't have sex ......

Trust me babe .... he smiles and I nodded I just placed my cup down and laid down on the bed I lifted my skirt up and I felt him get on the bed

Cover your mouth with this ... he whispered as he handed me his shirt and I just bit onto it he placed his hand on my butt cheek and I just smiled

this one is for walking out of the house dressed like this ... he says and I just flinched as I felt like numbness at first I turned around and he had a belt in his hand I stopped biting onto the shirt

W-what are you doing Kian .....

this is one is for disrespecting me and our Fucking relationship.... he says and I quickly bit onto the shirt again and grabbed the bed sheets I just looked at the as he kept saying things I was drunk this just made me feel more numb

And this is for not listening to me .... he says and right after he hit me I immediately put my hand on the way I couldn't take it anymore I just heard the belt buckle hit the floor and he got onto the bed and got like on me and placed kisses on my back

You got my full attention baby girl ..... he says and he grabbed my hand and I just looked at his hand

I-I'm sorry .... I mumbled and he pecked me on the lips

You don't want me to do this again right it Fucking sucks doing this to you baby ... he says as I looked at him

No ... I whispered

You know I love you very fucking much annika ... he says

I don't believe you sometimes .....

Why do you think you have a ring on ... he says

I don't want to lose you Kian ... I said as my eyes got watery

You won't we just have to agree on certain things if we don't we won't work about baby ..... he say s

I love you Kian ....

You want to go home ... he says

Yes I do ....

Let's go c'mon ... he says as he got off of me

What a night

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