"Wait wait wait." I pushed his shoulders down, backing away from him. I saw the sad look on his face. "I want you, but not in that way," I cringed at the wording of my own words. "I mean, in that way but not just yet." 

He crawled back up, and grabbed my hand in his. "Say what you mean, Izbell."

I took a deep breath and fixed my face with a look of determination. "Marry me, Loki."

He chuckled. "I thought you said marriage was a human 'thing.'"

"I'm half human, sooo..." I smirked.

"So that was your proposal? I think I deserve more." He put his hand over his heart.

I laughed. "Well, how would you do it?"

I blinked and I was in a gold dress and he was in a velvet suit. I looked around and we were in a grand ball room. He lifted me from the bed and held me in his arms. There was even music in the background as we danced. The music quieted and he slowed us down to a stand still. He bent down and kissed my lips tenderly. He held me there for a few moments before he grabbed my hands and knelt in front of me. "Lady Isabellianna of Medjord and Midgard, daughter of Roarke, protector of Midgardians, from the moment I met you I have been under your spell. I know I don't deserve you or your trust, but if you'll have me I'll never let you down or leave you. I want to be yours forever. Will you marry me?" The smirk on his face showed he knew how cheesy he sounded.

I laughed aloud and knelt down in front of him and hugged him. "You've over done yourself." 

He laughed along with me. "That's not an answer."

"Yes, Loki. Yes." I kissed him and pulled back to look at him, the illusion was gone and his aura changed. 

Before I could question him he was explaining himself. "Too bad Odin will never allow it. But we can dream." He was leading me back to the bed.

I pulled my hand from him. "You thought this was a joke? Leave Odin to me." My smile was wide.


I told Illain first. She would have killed me otherwise. Loki got to Ygritte before I could but they both told Agatha. I then took the news to Frigga. The golden hearted goddess was the happiest I've seen her since my time here. She's the one who set up the meeting between Odin and I. I wore my nicest dress, I even wore heels. The guards holding the throne room doors open nodded at me as I passed the threshold. They shut the doors behind me and I walked up to the throne which Odin was resting in. I bowed before him and curtsied. "My King." I acknowledged. 

"Isabellianna." He smiled. "What have you come to tell me that you've  been able to make my wife a raven to deliver messages?"

I looked into his eye and summoned all the courage in me. "Remember you vowed to grant me anything as long as it was just and in your power?" I reminded him.

He nodded. "If you yearn for anything, Isabellianna, just name it, and it shall be yours."

I bowed my head in thanks again. "My lord...." I took a deep breath and decided to just out it. "I want your blessing for my marriage to Loki." I looked up at him, and braced myself for the wrath.

"He has you under his spell, hasn't he?! I knew this would get out of hand. You are no longer allowed to see Loki, you won't ever be allowed in the dungeons--"

"My Lord, please." I cut him off, my voice as sweet as I could make it be. "If I were under Loki's control what exactly would he gain from marrying me?" I tried to make him see reason.

He stared daggers back at me. "And I suppose you want him freed, too?" 

I shook my head. "No, the dungeons are where he belongs. It will keep him from harming himself and others."

He scoffed. "And what of you, it's okay if you are harmed by him?"

I shook my head. "I know Loki, I really know him. He's not capable of doing anything that would surprise me so I can't really be hurt by him."

"Isabellianna, you say this now but I raised him. He has manipulated women in the past. You are like another daughter to me, I don't want you to go through what others in the past have." His tone and aura was forlorn.

"You might have raised him but he tells me things. If this is a mistake then it is mine to make and learn from. At the moment this is the thing that will bring me the most happiness." I was back to begging.

"So be it." He sighed.

My eyebrows raised. "So you'll allow it?" I asked, surprised. He gave me a curt and reluctant nod. I composed myself. "Truly you are most gracious, my Lord."

One With Gods [Loki]Where stories live. Discover now