Chapter 2

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Arriving back at the Grump Space at the agreed upon time, midnight, I walked through the quiet, dark office building and up to the recording room. I had come equipped with a coffee, a blanket and wearing a pair of baggy sweat pants and a tank top. I was ready to hear Dan wimp the fuck out over this game and hear Arin give him shit.

I stopped as I entered the room, noticing only Danny sitting on the couch. "Where's Arin?" I asked.

"You didn't get the text message?" Dan asked, looking extremely tired.


"He's not coming. He wants us to film the Halloween episodes together." he sighed, "I guess he wasn't feeling well when he went home."

I didn't believe that for a hot second, but I wasn't going to tell Dan. Sitting in the spot that Arin usually occupied, I threw the blanket over my lap. "Alright, well. Let's get to it."

"You're actually staying? I thought you would haul ass as soon as I told you." Dan cocked his head at me.

I shrugged, "Arin wants us to film it. I'm sure you can refrain from being a dick long enough to film an hour or so of episodes."

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, let's just do this."

I grabbed the controller, assuming that Dan wouldn't be the one that plays. He turned on the game system and started the recording.

"Happy Halloween, Lovelies!" his voice changed completely when he was addressing the fans. "I'm here with our lovely," he shot a look at me, "editor, Cassandra. Say 'hi' Cassandra."

"Hey guys!" I said brightly, "You don't get to see or hear much of me, but I am SO excited to be filming with Dan today." I tried to avoid the sarcasm in my voice, but it was very difficult.

Dan glared at me, "Right. So we're going to be playing some Silent Hill, which I am so not down for."

"You big baby, this will be fun! Filming in a dark, empty office at midnight. What's wrong with that?" I laughed, "It'll be a great time."

He sighed, "Just start the damn game."

I laughed and started playing. We got through the first couple episodes without any issues, but as we got closer to the chase scenes, Dan was starting to seriously piss me off. "Next time on Game Grumps!" I called, trying to hide my annoyance. "I'll pull Danny out from under the blanket he's hiding under and we'll actually finish playing this."

I paused the game and marked down the time before turning to Dan. "Do you actually have to scream every single time?"

"I fucking hate jump scares. I told you this." he said, pulling the blanket off of his head. "Did we have to play this game?"

"Just stop being such a wimp and you'll be fine." I growled, standing up. "I'm going to go to the washroom, I'll be back in a minute."

I left the room, shaking my head at him. The office was rather creepy at night and I was thankful to get to the bathroom and turn the light on. I didn't know how I was going to finish this session but I didn't want to disappoint Arin and cut out early. I would just get through this next hour or so and I'd be fine. I cupped my hands under the tap and splashed cool water on my face to try to calm myself down.

Heaving a sigh, I left the bathroom and made my way quickly to the recording room. As I was turning the corner, I bumped into something and screamed.. With the dark room around me and being unable to see anything, the creepiness of the game was getting to me.

The figure I bumped into laughed, "Who's screaming like a little bitch now?"

"Oh, fuck off, Dan." I growled, reaching my hands up to push him out of my way so I could walk past.

Dan Avidan x OC Heaven Help MeWhere stories live. Discover now