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'@bradleywillsimpson followed you'

What is up with this boy? Didn't he follow me already? I mean, I'm not complaining. It's just the fangirl part, right? I mean how could I know that I'm crushing on him if I still or was a fan? I wouldn't know because ever since I became fan of the band, I've never had any crushes than Brad. So how am I supposed to know that this is a crush feeling?

I am so confused.

@bradleywillsimpson - Leaaaaaaa?

@lea_vergara02 - yesssssss?

@bradleywillsimpson - what are you doing today?😊

@lea_vergara - picking up my bestfriend at the airport in a few hours why?

@bradleywillsimpson - but I thought I'm your bestfriend.

@lea_vergara02 - I barely even know you Brad😒

@bradleywillsimpson - Joking... seriously, do you hate me now?😂😂 You're acting really strange... and I would know cause you used to spam me everyday😂

@lea_vergara02 - sorry... It's just that, this whole thing kind of feels weird cause you're a celebrity and I'm just a fan. You're not supposed to talk to me like this and I'm supposed to be still fangirling over this.

@lea_vergara02 - but I'm not. We talk like we've known each other for ages.

@bradleywillsimpson - just because I have labels doesn't mean you, or any other fans to be exact, are lower. If it weren't for you guys, we wouldn't be near everything we are today. So that basically means you guys have higher positions than us cause you made us, us today. Lea , what has happened to you?

@lea_vergara02 - what do you mean? I'm sorry, It all just feels weird for me

@bradleywillsimpson - Nothing😊. Don't sweat it kid. I'll be off with the guys. Talk to me if you ever need someone okay?☺

@lea_vergara02 - okay, but before you go, do you hate me?

@bradleywillsimpson - I don't. I, far from that, doesn't hate you. Promise☺

I decided to leave it like that as to I didn't want to make him think I'm some kind of a crazy fangirl who thinks of crazy stuff and is over exaggerated.

As I started to get ready, I heard a ding at my bed. I grabbed my phone and saw that Jana had sent me a message.

'Already landed babe. Still getting ready? I think I'm gonna die with all these hot guys😍😍'

Wait, what time is it already? 5:38 p.m.

Oops, thinking of the whole Brad thing made me late. Dammit.

'Sorry babe. Try and get a hold of yourself okay?😂😂 I'm coming'


How did I become so lucky?

Once I arrived at the airport, I saw her sitting at Costa with a rather attractive guy. But Brad is still more hotter though. Just putting that out there.

"JANA!" I shouted for me to get her attention.

She looked and saw me and smiled up instantly and saying something to the guy. The guy nodded and left so I joined her, taking the previous sit of the guy.

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