"Harry Potter, if you dare hurt that cat, I will smack you so hard-" Milo threatened him only to have Milo turn the wand to face him. The entire room grew silent as Harry had drawn the wand on his own brother. He believed that Milo was in cahoots with Sirius, along with the cat, and he didn't know what to think as the man had been the one to murder their parents. 

Cedric slowly reached his hand out to take Elspeth's wand as he wasn't sure where he was, if Harry was thinking about hurting Milo, he had another thing coming. However, no actions were taken in that moment as all of them suddenly heard movement from downstairs. The only person with the quick reaction skills was Hermione in that moment.


Within the moments of the commotion of someone running up the stairs, Sirius attempted to move to get out of the way, but Harry was in his way, leaving it a disorderly mess when Remus Lupin suddenly appeared.

"How many more people are going to show up?" Cedric questioned to himself before Elspeth let out a painful groan. Her eyes were fluttering and it looked like she was on the verge of waking up. 

"Expelliarmus!" Came the incantation, disarming Harry and Hermione. The man turned to even disarm Milo but Cedric had Elspeth's wand drawn, daring the man to even touch a hair on Milo's head in that moment. Cedric didn't have the slightest clue as to what was going on, but he wasn't going to let any harm come to Milo in those moments of chaos. 

Remus looked at Milo, who exchanged a worried look with his godfather until he gave an encouraging nod of his head in the direction of Sirius. Remus slowly turned his head to face his old friend.

"Where is he, Sirius?"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked mortified as they were completely out of the loop of what was happening. Sirius pointed in Ron's direction, leaving Remus to raise his wand and shine the light over Ron before it grew incredibly silent. He looked back at Milo, thinking back to what the boy had said around Christmas time when they were on their way to Hogsmeade. He looked to Elspeth, noting that the woman was there already and that it looked like Sirius was inching his way towards her with a pained expression.

"But then why hasn't he shown himself before now?" Remus began with a shake of his head before his eyes widened. Unless—unless he was the one... unless you switched... without telling me? Without telling anyone? Even Elspeth?"

The silence returned as all eyes were on Sirius to see the man nod his head. 


Harry looked to Remus, hoping that someone else wasn't going to join the group of traitors. He asked what was going on, but his question was answered as realisation finally settled into the man's mind. Within in seconds, Remus embraced Sirius like a brother, before looking over in the direction of Elspeth and Milo.

"They tried to tell me, but I-...I didn't listen but they knew-"

"I DON'T BELIEVE IT!" Hermione's screamed scared the hell out of everyone as all eyes set on her. You—you—"

Milo wouldn't use the term to describe a lot of scenarios but Hermione certainly looked as though she was about to flip shit. She looked beyond furious as she glared in Remus' direction.

"I didn't tell anyone! I've been covering up for you—"

Oh no, Milo thought to himself. Not good, not good. Hermione, shut up. Shut up!

Remus looked slightly panicked in that moment."Hermione, listen to me, please! I can explain—"

If the moment wasn't so tense, Milo would have giggled thinking it sounded like Hermione and Remus were a married couple and she had come home to witness something strange and bizarre. But it wasn't the time as Cedric's hand came to grip Milo's arm to alert him that Elspeth was waking up, not to mention, he didn't know what the hell was going on.

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