"I Still Don't like You" ((Sam x Taurtis))

Start from the beginning

Taurtis Looked down Embarassed. Grian Just smiled at him "its fine. we'll Find our way out."

"I think it's this way?" an Muffled voice emerged from Between a Path in the Rocks.

Sam walked Backwards Into the Large Area Containing Grian, and Taurtis. J Following him in pursuit.

Grian Smiled. they Finally found some People.

Taurtis Avoided Looking at the Two Newcomers. he Muttered something, and Hid behind Grian.

Sam Looked at his map confused, then Gazed up at J, "Dude who are you Looking at," Sam Spotted Grian, and Frowned. He Knew Grian Was With Taurtis.

"Taurtis stop trying to Hide. I can See you,"

He stayed behind Grian.

Sam Growled, Marching over to grian. He Grabbed Taurtis's Wrist, Pulling him Out into the Open.

Taurtis Yelped, and fell onto the stone Ground.

Sam Looked down at him with Hatred, he Moved his Gaze to the Roof, Crossing his arms.

Grian moved out of the Way, Watching them with a Questioning look.

"I Don't get it Why do they Hate Each other.." He Asked J in a Hushed Tone.

Grian Had only Come to Yandere A month ago, Long after this fued Had Begun.

"Nobody Really Knows.. Sam Just Came to my house In the middle of the Night Crying. He asked to Stay Over For a While, That was about a Month Ago.." J Attempted to Explain.

Grian Nodded slowly, "I Wonder What happened between them.."

J Shrugged, "Same here."

Sam Looked over at them, "Can We Go Yet?"

J nodded. He Glanced down at his Map. He Pointed over between a Clearing in the rocks, "over there should Bring us to a Path That shall lead us To An Exit."

The group Followed J's Instructions.
Taurtis Walked behind the group.

Sam Walked in the Front, while as J And Grian Chatted in between.

they arrived At an Fork in the Path.

"Which Way?" Sam Turned to J, who had already Pulled out his Map.

J's hand trailed the Route they Had Proceeded to Take, stopping at a certain point, "the Map doesn't show This."

"What do you mean?" Grian questioned, taking a looked over his shoulder to study the map.

"let's Split up Then!" Sam Suggested. happy to finally get away from Taurtis.

"Good Idea, You Can go with Taurtis." Grian Told him.

Taurtis looked up from the Dirty Floor.

"What why?!" Sam Asked Angered, Crossing his arms.

"You Guys Need to Get over this Fued of Yours. You Were Best friends. Spending some alone time will Help," Grian Stated, Grabbing J's Hand, "Let's go. Call us on the Walkie talkies if there's a problem," Grian Gave Sam Their Bag of supplies, Before leaving down the Left Route with J.

"Great I have to Stick here with a Retard.." Sam Muttered, Walking towards one of the clearings in the rocks.

Taurtis looked at him hurt, but quietly Trailed behind.

It was about 20 minutes yet they still hadn't found a Way out.

"Sam.." Taurtis Spoke up. He was tired of Walking in circles.

"Don't Talk to me," Sam Hissed, and continued Walking.

Taurtis stopped, looking up from the floor.

Sam turned around. His Face covered with a look of demise, "why Did You stop?"

"..we're lost. we can't keep walking in circles."

"What would you know?" Sam Retorted crossing his arms.

Taurtis sighed, and Sat down on one of the rocks.

Sam Rolled his eyes. He pulled the flash light from their bag and Used its Ray of light to view the map.


"What?" Sam Asked Harshly. He didnt bother to look up from his map.

"Why do you hate me.."

"..." Sam Didn't bother to Respond, "I think I found the way out" he Looked up at him, and Pointed towards a Clearing they had not yet explored.

Taurtis stood up, shoving his hands into his Jacket pocket. He WWalked with Sam threw the rocks.

They were lead out into the Sun, signaling that they Reached the end of the Cavern.

Taurtid sat down on one of the rocks.

Sam pulled out the Walkie talkie. he Contacted J and Grian, Telling them How to escape.

Sam Put away the walkie talkie, he Moved over to Taurtis, sitting beside him.

Taurtis looked off to the side.

"I Don't..." Sam Began with a pause, "Hate you.."

Taurtis ran his fingers along the edges of the rock, "Then Why are you like this.."

Sam Paused, "I just...I guess I let my emotions get the better of me.."

Taurtis sighed quietly, "You Moved out.. How Can that just be Your Emotions??"

Sam Looked towards him, "There's..Something more.." His hand Moved onto Taurtis's.

Taurtis Blushed a Pink Hue. He looked up at Sam, who refused eye contact.

"Its just..with Your Dad Hating me, I couldn't Stay there...and I couldn't keep lying to you.."


Sam Blushed lightly, scooting closer.
He gripped Taurtis's hand without a word.

Taurtis Blushed, Smiling shyly.

"And I didn't get to tell you How Cute you are.." Sam Whispered, and leaned over kissing him.

YHS/TS/Grian/Taurtis/ OneShot'sWhere stories live. Discover now