-Mal :"i-is it okay that I don't want to talk about it now?", said Mal before burying her head in Evie's neck.

-Evie :"of course it's okay. Oh i wanted to tell you that you have an amazing voice, even when you're half-drunk", said Evie teasingly before sitting on Mal's laps and kissing her nose.

(No one POV)

Mal blushed and turned her glance away from Evie.

-Mal :"th-thanks, princess", muttered Mal before looking back at Evie who was smiling

-Evie :"it's so cute when you blush", said Evie before cupping Mal's cheek.

-Mal :"I may be cute but you are definitely gorgeous, outside and inside", said Mal before leaning in and kissing Evie.

(No one POV)

Evie wrapped her arms around Mal's neck while she had her hands on Evie's hips to pull her closer into her. Mal groaned when she felt Evie grind against her not-so-well-hidden boner. Evie pulled away a bit an open her mouth to breath but she barely had the time because Mal's tongue was in her mouth. She tried to fight for dominance but Mal won and flipped them around so that Evie was under Mal. Evie unzipped Mal's jacket and pulled away to throw it somewhere in the room while Mal was removing Evie's. Mal was having a hard time removing her t-shirt because of her injured arm.

-Evie :"let me help", said Evie before removing Mal's t-shirt and removing hers.

-Mal :"thanks but I think we are over-clothed, aren't we?", said Mal while unzipping Evie's skirt and licking her lips with excitement.

-Evie :"oh yes we are", said Evie before getting up a bit to remove her leggings and skirt.

(No one POV)

Evie was only in her watching blue/black bra and panties while Mal had still her pants that where painfully squeezing her boner. Evie and Mal looked at each other for at least a minute before Evie started removing Mal's pants slowly and teasingly. Mal gave out a low moan when Evie grabbed her erection trough her dark purple boxers.

-Evie :"oh somebody is horny", said Evie before moaning when Mal pushed her knee in her core.

-Mal :"and that somebody isn't the only one", said Mal before getting on her knees to remove her bra.

-Evie :"god, you're so hot. Well in both ways since I feel like we are burning in this bed", said Evie making Mal giggle and blush.

-Mal :"if I'm hot than you are a goddess and boiling by the way", said Mal before pulling Evie up to her knees.

(No one POV)

Evie removed her bra slowly..well she tried but Mal almost ripped it off of her body. Mal pinned Evie back down to the bed and latched her mouth on Evie's nipple while the other one was getting massaged by Mal's hand. Evie let out a loud moan and grabbed Mal's hair to pull her even more on her nipple. Mal pulled away to switch to the other nipple and gave it the same pleasure.

-Evie :"Maahl", moaned Evie before pulling Mal for a kiss.

-Mal :"Fuuhhck", moaned Mal when Evie grabbed her throbbing erection after she had ripped Mal's boxers.

-Mal :"that was my favorite pair of boxers by the way", said Mal before ripping off Evie's panties.

-Evie :"I like them better off of you, now less talk and more action", said Evie before giving Mal's penis two stroke.

-Mal :"can't argue with that", said Mal before Evie turned them around so that she was on top.

(No one POV)

Evie was so wet that Mal could feel it dripping on her. Mal was going to say something but Evie cut her off by kissing the tip of her penis. Evie had to admit that Mini-Mal was impressive. It was 6-6.5 inches and it was thick but not too much. When Evie stopped thinking about how amazing it looked, she finally putted it in her mouth. Mal groaned and gripped the sheets. Evie was about to give Mal a blowjob when suddenly…

-Jay :"well someone is getting some good time", said Jay who was standing in the doorframe.

(No one POV)

Evie nearly chocked when she heard Jay and Mal simply took the first-aid kit and threw it at him.

-Mal :"GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I RIP OFF YOUR DICK", said Mal before she heard the door slam.

-Evie :"well that's a mood killer…um wanna go back to sleep and continue this later I'm actually a bit tired", said Evie before yawing.

-Mal :"let's go back to sleep before I kill Jay. Now come here princess", said Mal before pulling Evie under the cover with her.

-Evie :" 'night my dragon", said Evie before kissing Mal's jawline.

-Mal :" 'night my princess", said Mal before pulling Evie for a real kiss and then pull her closer to hug her.

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