Acts 4:13

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

The devil will look at your age again and he will see the omnipresence of God, the aura, the Shekinah glory of God, the halo of the almighty clothing and covering you. He bows out and says that he or she is untouchable. He tried all his wicked devices and failed. Say "I have divine immunity so I am untouchable and 'uncurseable.

Christ Ambassador: we are Christ ambassadors on earth, God's vice regents. So the presence and aura of God follows you and your family wherever you go. You have the power of attorney to represent Christ on earth, exhibit his power and control because as many as receive him to them he gave power to become the children of God. So the government of this world or the world system obeys the immunity clause about you so as to avoid trouble. You are

- A messenger with a message

- A missionary with a mission

- A commissioner with a commission

- An ambassador with a backup

You have a divine mandate.

Features of Immunity:

Seal - As every diplomat or diplomatic property have a seal to mark it out of suspicion or susceptibility or vulnerability so a Christ Ambassador has seal to warn intruders that this is a no go area, keep off, this is divinely reserved anointed God's property.

Seal Defined: Greek word sphragis denotes seal or signet (seal of the living God - Rev. 7:2, an emblem of ownership and security). The person to be sealed being immune from destruction and marked for reward. It also mean authentication and sure foundation (2 Tim 2:19). Signs of immunity are the seals:

-the seal of protection

-the seal of ownership

-the seal of identity

-the seal of security

-the Seal of Approval and Authentication

Seal is also an engraved stamp that will be proof of authentication. In O.T and N.T seal was used literally and figuratively. In 1 Cor. 9:2 Paul's converts were seen as a seal on Paul's ministry

-Eph. 1:13...In whom also after you believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise ...

-2 Cor. 1:22 ...Who has also Sealed us and given the earnestness of the Spirit in our heart ...

-Exodus 7:16 ...Let my people go ....

-Exodus 12:13 ...when I see the blood I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you ...

To kidnap or keep a seal carrier against his wish or the will of God is putting yourself in trouble. Even when the Israelites sinned and God allowed them into slavery they were still carrying about the same Seal of God marking them as the 'untouchables' of God. The protection of God was still upon them.

The Seal of Protection Exemplified: Ex 8:22 – 23: this seal saved the Israelites and their land from the plague that came upon the Egyptians. The land of Goshen where they lived was spared from the swarm of flies and the entire first born of the Israelites escaped the cold hands of death.

When I see the blood I will pass over you (Ex 12:13).

-The Shadow of the almighty, the Shield and Buckler (Ps 91:1, 4; Ps 35:2): The shields and buckler were strips covered with bronze or gold and symbolic of divine protection. The shadow of the almighty is a kind of Gods protective covering, refuge and fortress for those who dwell, abide or remain in the presence of God. To be safe don't leave the shelter like the chickens that run for cover under the covering of the Mother fowl when the predator kite comes.

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