A Most Dangerous Game

Start from the beginning

It had taken those stupid guards long enough. The first time the alarm had sounded it had been treated as nothing more than an accident. The palace goons thought a guard had been scared by a mere shadow.

They were stopped by a ragged breath. "W-Wait."

Bakura smirked, turning to look behind his shoulder. "Yes?"

Akhenadin slowly sat up, holding a hand over the Eye. He grimaced. "I know a way... to... really get the Pharaoh's attention." His voice was bitter, but Bakura knew it wasn't aimed at him.

"Oh, really? Do tell."

Akhenadin took a deep breath and spat, "He has a slave he... favors. I've been observing the two for a while now. H-He'd do anything to protect her."

Bakura laughed maniacally, feeling a brilliant high skyrocket his emotions. This was perfect! Could things fall into place any better than this? "And here I thought I'd actually have to work at getting him riled up. How perfect! The Pharaoh's gone and fallen in love!" Bakura laughed again, almost having to double over. What a fool! This would be even easier than he'd thought!

Bakura wiped the tears from his eyes but the smile remained. It looked dark and psychotic in the dim light. "Tell me where to find her."


That night, Heba dreamed.

She stood in a field, surrounded by wheat. The thin stems reached high in the sky and bended with a curling breeze. Heba felt at peace here, unchained. The concept of slavery was unknown in this world of hers, all she knew was she was free. She was happy.

Heba laughed childishly and began to run. Her bare feet made footprints in the sandy earth and her fingers lightly grazing the passing fronds. Laughter escaped her, echoing in the warm air.

How exhilarating! Heba hadn't felt this way since ever ago, back before she'd been cast in chains. Running free through the fields was an experience she'd thought she'd never be able to have again. Heba jumped with a spin and landed on the balls of her feet before continuing on again. More laughter pealed and soon she was lost in her own exuberance.

A butterfly flitted past her, its wings shaded a brilliant sapphire blue. Heba stopped running and watched in awe as the butterfly flew into the wheat thicket. Feeling an urge to follow Heba broke from her path and waded through the plants after the insect. Here and there a flash of blue would break through and give the girl an idea of where to go.

Heba eventually broke through the waves of grain and entered an empty clearing. Heba peered around and found no trace of the butterfly she'd been chasing. Heba's brow furrowed in puzzlement. Where could it have gone? The butterfly had been right in front of her...

Something snapped and suddenly the air grew cold. Heba froze, feeling a tingle of fear run up her spine, and slowly turned to face the sound. A man stood at the other side of the clearing, completely dressed in black and wearing a black cloak around his shoulders. His hood was drawn over his head, casting his face in shadow. Two glowing red eyes stared back at her and kept her gaze.

Heba stepped back, eyes wide. The environment didn't seem so friendly anymore. The wheat loomed dangerously and cast dark shadows over her. The man held out a gloved hand, beckoning her forward. A rusty shackle hung on his wrist and was connected to a long chain, the end of which unseen as it disappeared into his cloak.

There was something off about this man, something inhuman. 'Run!' screamed her conscience, but her feet wouldn't listen. A snort came from him and before she knew it he had darted straight for her.

Heba screamed -

Heba woke with a start and, with a deep breath, stared unfocused at the ceiling. Darkness greeted her, signifying it was still long before she was supposed to be awake. 'The hell was that about?!' Heba thought, scratching her arm. She shuddered when she remembered the man and sat up, grabbing the sides of her cot as a comfort measure. 'I wonder what that's supposed to mean...'

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