My Promise to You

Start from the beginning

"I know," he replied seductively, while his eyes slowly turning black again.

Suddenly, he jumped at me, his lips meeting mine. There I knew his wolf had taken over. I began to kiss him back hungrily, as he does the same to me.

"Lets take this to my room," he whispered into my ears.

I nodded eagerly, knowing my wolf had taken over, but I don't mind because he's my mate.


Waking up in the morning, I felt sore in places I never felt before. Sitting up, memories from last night flooded into my head. Finding my mate, kissing my mate, and mating my mate. My mate is the only person I can think about right now. I don't feel mad, or regret giving my virginity. All I can feel is the love for my mate.

Looking onto the left side of the bed, I noticed it is empty. Strange, where did Tyler go?

I quickly got dressed and walked downstairs, finding him in pajama bottoms and eating toast.

"Damn, his body is so hot," I thought.

"Hey," I said blushing to my thought.

"Hello," he replied coldly.

My heart jerked at his tone, his there something wrong with him?

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, worry and concern laced with my words.

"Yea," he said standing up, while showing more of his chest, and his height.

"What's wrong?" I asked walking over to him.

"Stay where you are," he replied emotionless, "What happened last night shouldn't have happened. I don't want a mate. I definitely in hell don't want you as a mate. In fact, I don't want ANYTHING to do with you," he said with hatred laced through his words.

"B..bu..but, why? I'm your mate... We last night.. Doesn't that mean anything to you?" I asked. My heart is clenching and are tears threatening to spill.

"No. I've been with many girls. Too many to count. Why would last night mean anymore to me than my usuals?" asked Tyler.

"It's because we're mates! Didn't you feel the connection we had last night?" I screamed at him, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Didn't you hear a single word I said? I DON'T WANT YOU AS MY MATE. What else can I say to make it more clear?" he yelled at me.

"How can you not want your mate? Your mate is your soulmate - YOUR OTHER HALF!" I yelled back.

"I don't care! I told you, I DON'T WANT YOU AS A MATE. I DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU EITHER! IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YOUR STUPID BRAIN?!?" he asked me, voice filled with vemon.

"FINE, I'll do what you want! I promise, I won't have anything to do with you!" I screamed at him, shifting into my white wolf.

I ran as fast as I can, not looking back at his house.

I quickly ran into my apartment and went into my room. I opened my closet door, and took out my suitcase and duffle bags, filling them up with my belongings. Right as I was almost done packing, Lianna comes to my room.

"Hold it right there. What are you doing?!" asked Lianna.

"I'm packing," I replied emotionless.

"Way to state the obvious. Why are you packing though?" asked Lianna.

"I'm moving," I said quietly.

"WHAT?! WHY?! WHAT ABOUT ME?" she shouted.

I began crying.

"Oh no! I didn't mean to make you cry! I'm so sorry Ree!" said Lianna in a worried tone, whil hugging me.

"It's not you, I found my mate last night, and he's Tyler. I ended up sleeping with him and he rejected me this morning! I don't want to stay in this town with him being the alpha. I want to go back to our hometown and start my life over again," I sobbed and told Lianna everything.

"That SON OF A B****! I"m going to kill him. He needs to appreciate the things he's given, especially a beautiful mate like you. I swear, I'm going to pound him so bad, you won't be able to recognize him, and lets just say, he won't able to reproduce when he wants a heir," said Lianna, with her face and tone serious.

"Lanny, please don't.. just let it go.You don't deserve to get in trouble because of him. I want to forget about him, and start a new life.. I don't care what you will do to convince me, but I'm going home," I stated stubbornly.

"Fine, I won't pound him. Give me an hour and I'll be ready," said Lianna

"What do you mean, "give you an hour?" I'm done packing now, so I'm leaving now," I said confusely.

"Well, you're my bestfriend. I sure in hell won't let you go home by yourself! I'm going with you! I mean it is time to pay my dear parents a visit. I haven't been home since I was 16," said Lianna.

"You know, be thankful you still have parents alive... I sure wish my mom and dad were still here... they'll know what to do," I said.

Thinking about my parents brought even more tears to my eyes. They died in a battle between my old pack and rogues. I never got a chance to say 'I love you' or a simple goodbye.

"Aww, Ree don't cry... you know you still have your brother and there are my parents who literally treat you as their own daughter," Lianna said softly.

"I know... I love your parents like my own... and my brother, I haven't seen him since the beta status had been handed to him... It's going to be nice being able to see him everyday again," I said softly.

"There we go, I'm all set. Lets get it show on the road!" yelled Lianna.

"Yea, lets go home and never look back," I said, meaning every word.

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