Osana shook until she broke into sobs. She fell to her knees and covered her flushed face. 

"Its not fair...when I loved him so much...why Taro...? Why did you do this to me!!"


Ayano steps out of the classroom silently closing the door behind her. Osana had put her in a sour mood and she still had to see what Info-chan wanted, she was tempted to go home. She should go home. Being in a mood like this wouldn't help her focus anyway. Ayano began to walk down the hallway. 

"Tch...why did she have to mention Taro?" Ayano murmured under her breath annoyed.  That name use to fill her with such joy but now it left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"I found you~!"Suddenly, Ayano felt two strong arms wrap tightly around her frame engulfing her in a big bear hug.

"WUAHH!" Ayano let out an involuntarily sound as she felt her feet leave the ground for a moment and her breath hitched. She immediately turned her head to be face to face with the goofy grin of her Martial Arts friend and narrowed her charcoal eyes at him. 

"Heheh..." Budo saw the dangerous look in Ayano's eyes and slowly put her down however, his arms never left her.

"What do you want Budo..?" Ayano demanded, her head still turned to him.

"I need your help with something, c'mon!" Budo replies in his usual upbeat attitude. He grabbed Ayano's hand and pulled her down the hallway.

"Ah..Okay!" Ayano lets Budo dragged her to their unknown destination. She was quite use to Budo dragging her to places. From bakeries to cafes to their annual Martial Arts parties they would have, he would take her there.

Budo rounded the corner and stepped into a now vacant classroom that was slightly decorated with Christmas decorations. A string of red ribbons hanged from the teachers desk and a small Christmas tree stood in the corner with cheap LED lights flickering red and green. 

Budo released Ayano's hand and Ayano felt the heat from his hand around hers disappear. She sighed in discontent and let her hand fall to her side. Ayano quickly noticed that the teacher of the classroom had not left yet.

The teacher, Mida Rana, sat crossed legged on one of the students desk closer to the door of the classroom. She wore a cherry red dress with white ribbon on the end of it that ended close to her thighs revealing her slender legs and red pumps. And to top it all off, she wore a small little santa hat at the side of her chocolate brown hair that fell to her bare shoulders.

Ayano wandered how Mida-Sensei was able to avoid all those dress code violations she had broken by wearing that get up.

"Budo...you didn't need to get Ayano to help you...." Mida-Sensei says with a frustrated pout. "A big boy like you should be able to handle this all on your own."

"Nonsense, Mida-Sensei I would need help carrying all these decorations to my car. And Ayano just so happens to be the tough girl I'm looking for!"  Budo says wrapping an arm around Ayano's shoulder as he spoke. Ayano looked back at Mida-Sensei then at Budo.

"Budo what the hell is going on?" Ayano says bluntly. 

"Oh, Mida-Sensei said I can take her classroom decorations since she has no need for them. I was going to use them for a Christmas party I'm throwing at my house."

"Do you seriously need my help?" Ayano asks blankly as she looked at the light weight decorations her leader could easily carry by himself. She placed her hand on top of the hand on  her shoulder and tried to pry it off but instead Budo tighten his grip on her and brought her even closer.

Ayano's Traumatic ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now