Colin Creevey's Lost Film

Start from the beginning

"What day is it?" Harry mumbled, checking his watch.

"Tuesday," Hermione informed him in a dangerous tone.

"Ah, I see they're awake," Draco observed coolly, as he strode in with an envelope in his hand. "You'd better get yourself moving, Harry," he added, "Because the reporters are after Hagrid, even as we speak."

Harry groaned again.

"Seriously, Harry," Draco continued, "You've got bigger problems than imitation werewolves," he glanced accusingly at the boys.

"Poppy, toss them out," he then suggested, "It's Tuesday, they're fine, trust me. The potion has worn off completely. They can still make it to breakfast if they hurry."

The boys didn't ask questions. They grabbed their dressing gowns and fled.

"We've handed classes over to TA's for today," McGonagall then informed them, "Pending a Staff meeting over what Draco has discovered, and to assess the threat of the Azkaban breakout."

"What have you got?" Ron asked, slipping into a very businesslike and out of character mode.

"The film," Draco handed him the envelope. "The rest of the Staff will be along shortly, with the exception of Sybil. I've got her distracted with looking for Grims and Werewolves in her tealeaves and crystal balls. We might get lucky, seeing as how it's snowing outside," Draco mused with a smirk. "I've also called in this fellow who claims to be an expert in the field of Cryptozoology to help with this Gytrash problem - bloke by the name of Rolf Scamander?"

"Who?" Ron asked.

"Honestly, I don't think he knows how to read," Hermione complained. "Fantastic Beasts, Ron? He's also engaged to Luna Lovegood."

Harry sighed. "Now is NOT the time to go chasing Crumple-Horned Snorkacks!" He then blinked and adjusted his glasses. "You got the film developed?" He gasped.

Draco nodded. "Relax, Harry, I developed it myself. Processing film is a simple potion, if you know how to do it. We take a lot of pictures of Scorpy, and I don't want anyone else in the business seeing them," Draco explained. "I had to burn it a great deal, overdevelop it, you know, due to age. The color's a bit off, but I think you'll find Creevey's final rolls very ... erm ... enlightening, shall we say?"

"'Rolls'? You mean there was more than one?" Harry asked.

Draco nodded. "Hermione told me where you found the camera. We went back and checked, and there were two more rolls hidden under a false stone in that hole in the floor. Slipping, are we?" Draco taunted him.

Harry ignored that.

They waited until the rest of the Staff could arrive before opening the envelope full of pictures. Ron insisted on breakfast, to get his strength back, and a very nervous Kreacher had just come to clear away the plates when the Staff arrived.

 "Oh, and Kingsley's on his way," Dean offered.

About then, Hagrid arrived. Everyone just looked at him. "Whut?" Hagrid asked. "I passed the boys in the Great Hall, movin' like a pack o' scalded dogs? Wha's goin' on ‘ere?"

"Hagrid, please tell me you didn't talk to anyone," Harry almost begged. Draco seemed to be enjoying it.

"Jus' told ‘em whut happened, is all?" Hagrid replied. "Doin' our job, keepin' the wolves in line?"

"Someone kill us now," Ron groaned.

"Well you won't be much help if you're dead," A dreamy voice replied, as Luna entered with a tall, somewhat rumpled man with blond hair and a scruffy goatee. Hagrid seemed to approve at once, as Draco was verifying that they were indeed the genuine Luna and Rolf.

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