Alternate ending

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(A/N: Because I thought the last ending to my imagine (in the chapter before) was too sad and I couldn't stand the thought of Harry dying, lol, I decided to make an alternate ending to the story. Most of the story is the same, but the story begins to change a little after the recap I put below, which is everything in the italics. Hope you enjoy the alternate ending, and if you didn't read the first part, I suggest you do or else this part wont make much sense :) Please vote for both if you liked it and don't be afraid to leave a comment if you liked it, I wont bite, I promise ;) )

Alternate Ending

          Previously in My Angel in Heaven: “Is he really gone?” You ask; you just can’t believe it…

“Yes. You have no idea how sorry I am for your loss.” The nurse says, with tears in her eyes. She seems very upset too.

“Can I have a hug? I need some support right now.” You say, still crying.

The nurse nods her head and opens her arms for you. Gratefully, you go to her and she strokes your back. “I can’t….I just… oh what am I going to do?!” you ask no one in particular, as you bury your face into her chest, the ache of loss growing in your chest with each passing second.

“I don’t know honey. I want to say; don’t worry, it’s okay, it gets better, the worst part is over; but I don’t want to lie to you. I know what it feels like to lose a soul-mate. My husband died from cancer a few years back. I was there to watch him pass too. The pain never goes away.” She said, looking at Harry’s still form on the bed from over the top of your head.

You look back at Harry and almost fall over in disbelief as you see his eyes snap open. “Oh my God Harry!?!” You cry, stumbling over the chair in your effort to go to his bedside. “Harry are you awake? Are you okay?! Oh my God doctor, look! He’s okay! Harry can you say something? Can you squeeze my hand baby?” Your heart swells with hope, so much that it hurts, and feels like it could burst at any second. You put your hand in his; which is still ice-cold….

                Harry groans softly and color floods to your face. “Doctor, oh my God look! He’s awake! Oh my Gosh Harry, can you say something? Anything? Squeeze my hand, please! Be okay, please be okay!!”

The doctor and nurse rushed over to the bedside, one of them calling for reinforcements but you couldn’t tell which one. You were too busy with the fact that Harry had done what you asked and squeezed your hand when you grabbed his.

“(Y/N)?” Harry asks as his eyes flutter open into focus. His eyes search for you, but he doesn’t seem to have the strength to move his head just yet, so you hover over him, moving into his eyesight.

His green eyes finally meet yours and they fill with wonder. “Baby?” he asks, his voice hoarse from lack of use.

“Yes, yes Harry I’m here.” You say; relief flooding through you so fast it almost hurts.

“Where, where am I?” he asks.

“In the hospital but its okay, everything is going to be okay.” You say as much to reassure him, as yourself. You can’t help smiling as your chest fills with the relief; the emptiness is gone now that you know he is okay.

“Wha-?” but he doesn’t have a chance to finish. Just then the nurses someone called burst through the door. They came and everything was hectic for a little while.

Some nurses were checking machines, some checking his vital signs, and another put some fluid into his IV.

The nurse that had been so comforting to you, Natalie was her name, was talking excitedly at the doctor and he was nodding thoughtfully, glancing at a clipboard in his hands. You couldn’t hear what they were saying but you bet it had something to do with why Harry had woken up.

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