"How are you feeling?", I asked looking at her on my shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze to her hand. 

 "Drowsy.", she mumbled.

"Sleep. I'll stay here.", I told her before reaching for the remote and lowered the volume.This routine had gone for several months. Sometimes, I was accompanying her to the hospital but most of the times she did it at home. It was hurting me to see her like this. To see her suffered from the side effects of chemo. I, most of times, excused myself whenever I felt like breaking down. 

She knew about it but chose not to say anything but just hug me.I wish I had the power to heal her or take the pain she was feeling. But it is impossible. I was taken out of the trance of my thoughts when I felt her moved. I turned to face her, "You awake?" I asked. 

 "Just rolling over.", she answered sleepily as she scooted over and placed her arm on my waist. I can feel her breath hitting my lips. I smile. I pecked her lips and a smiled crept on her. I closed my eyes and fell deep asleep.


 Selena was sent to rehab for how many days... I didn't know. She was sent to rehab due to mental health issues she could not control. A rehab where communication from the outside is not allowed. 

 I was scrolling through twitter and saw an article that made me snort. Selena is not completely over Justin Bieber. I read the article out of curiosity. They were saying, Selena can be very fragile emotionally, and Justin is a major factor, that he didn't check up on her when she canceled her tour and then she needs to move on and she needs to accept the fact, just like that. 


 "Y/n? Earth to Y/n! Yuhoo!", Jake said as he was snapping his finger in front my face to get my attention. We were at the school canteen because it was our lunch break. 

 "You're saying?", I asked. 

 "You don't have lunch? I can share you mine?", he offered and I shook my head no. I smiled at him muttering a small 'thanks' before grabbing my earphone from my bag and played a song from shuffle. 

 A moment later, someone placed their hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Jake and Keisha. I removed the earphone in my right ear, "Hmmm?", looking at them. 

 "We're going to our next class.", he said and I nodded checking the time. 

 "How about you? You're not going?", I shook my head, 

"I'm not feeling well... Please let the next teacher know." I said."Okay.", they knew it was a lied but let it slide anyway. I just felt drain and did not have the energy to do anything at the moment. And, I felt Selena was distant for past days. This was frustrating me. I grabbed my bag and then made my way to the parking lot, in my car and started driving back home.

Her being distant to me occupied my mind the whole driving. "Ahhhhh!", I shouted in frustration and slammed my hands on the wheel. I fished my phone from my pocket and dialed a number.

"Hello?" Ashley asked softly. She knew that when I called her there is a problem and yes, it's Ashley Cook one of 'Her' friends and crew.

"Can we meet up?", I asked.

"I thought you're in-..." I cut her off cause I know where this was going to.

"Yeah I ditched my classes.", I mumbled, not really caring about it.... For now. I'd deal with the consequences later.

This was the second time I had ditched my classes. The first one got her mad at me and ignored me for the whole day but gone back to normal after I literally wrote an essay of how sorry I was, that it'll never happen again and I should focus more in my studies.

Ashley did not say anything. She knew how I was whenever I was being ignored by my girlfriend, which was svck and the red flag of me.

"Please, can we meet up? This is gonna be our hang out as well." I said convincing her with all I could,

"I thought you have promised that you'd never let this affect your studies?", she asked softly.

"Yeah, I know. Promises get broken." I answered with a little attitude which I immediately regret since I was the one asking her to come with me.

"Okay... Okay.. I just don't want you to get in trouble when Selena—"

"Yeah, I know.", I cut her off.



"Spill.", she said in an authoritative tone after she chewing her burger.

"Did you noticed something strange to Selena?.", I asked ignoring her statement. I noticed her became stiffen but quickly recovered from it. Of course, she was her friend. She knew things. Who am I kidding?

I had sensed a familiarity. This was what happened when the Bieber-thing happened but the different was that Theresa and Selena wasn't here.

"No... Why?", she asked.

"She's acting weird and so distant to me lately.", I said, "Did you know something?", I eyed her.

"I don't know." she denied. "Crossed my heart even if I die right now. I don't know anything promise." she said as she was crossing her heart and then making a promise sign.

I sighed, "Okay...", I paused. "Just because you're friend with her does not mean you know and she tells you things.", I told her dejectedly.

"That's good to here. You are learning from school.", I sent her a glare making her chuckled. My eyes travelled around fast food store and something caught my attention, across the room, behind Ashley, making me go all numbed. I feltlike something had slashed my heart that made my whole body weak. Selena was kissing some guy whose arm was around her.

I thought I was used to this kind of thing. That's what I thought.

My body was betraying itself because I could not look away from the scene, from them. She was laughing at something he said. I looked away once she felt like somebody was staring. I did not dare to see whether she saw me, I was too busy fighting myself from having more damage. 

"I'm not hungry anymore. I want to go." I barely said and stood up from chair and walked away not waiting for Ashley. Nor caring whether she was following or not.

A/N: You know the drill :)

Behind Closed Doors ☆Selena Gomez x Fem!Reader☆ [UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now