They went inside and donned on pirates cap -just part of the fun, and joined the other 'pirates', they chose 'shipmates' and of course both girls stayed glued to each other like a monad in one Kayak, and although Hailey was highly terrified yet she decided to see this through for Cara, and with that she joined Cara in paddling.

When all the Kayak were in the waters, the guide led them in a sea chantey; a sailor's song and because the tune was very catchy they all joined in easily:

A sailor went to sea sea sea,to see what he could see see see and all that he could see see see was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea, Ahoy!
They all sang on merrily repeatedly including Hailey and Cara and before long the former had already forgotten her dilemma and just paddled in merriness relishing the peace the water gave her which she had lost but now found.


"Hello handsome! What do you say to a cup of Cappuccino with toast. I don't mind being the cheese. on top." Hailey drawled seductively with a smug face as she spoke to the guy selling ice-cream.

He was handsome, tall and tanned, with hazel eyes having a fleck of gold around them. He was wearing a flannel white T-shirt with Chinos and even with an apron around him he was still the definition of 'perfection' -most people won't readily share Hailey's point of view on that though-

He stopped what he was doing and just stared at her impassively.

"Uhm...Here is the part where you get to make a smart reposte and I hopefully leave—in one piece?" Due to being anxious and fidgety, Hailey ended the statement with a high pitch making it sound like a question, not feeling confident anymore.

**rewind **

"Mmm, this cookies reminds me of your mom's, although hers is more delicious." Hailey said to Cara as she munched on her cookie and smoothie.

"I'll sure mention what you said to mom. She likes compliment especially on her culinary skills."

"I miss her cooking."

"Doesn't mean am sharing mine with you on Monday."

"Caraa!" Hailey whined.

"I don't like indirect speeches, just say what you want."

"All right, all right, you caught me. I really need to taste moms delicious cookies and deep fried bacon. I can mentally taste it from the memories already." Hailey said dramatically as she closed her eyes to mentally savour the supposed taste.

"!" Cara cleared her throat to get back her attention. "Concerning that, I'll ask mom to pack for two..."


"On one condition."


Cara continued despite Hailey's disappointment. "Hit onnnnnnn..." she scanned through the crowd until her eyes fell on 'the gorgeous one, she giggled and finished. "him!"

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