Tom and I got out of the car, going through the gates of the tree farm. Both of us were grinning smugly. He had told me his idea, and I couldn't wait to go through with it. First, though, we had to actually get our tree. Wouldn't want to disappoint the others, now would we?

We, naturally, just chose the first good tree we saw. Well, good enough. Tom, taking an axe that somehow had in his pocket that I hadn't noticed before, chopped down the tree in a few quick swings. Then, picking it up together, we trailed back to the truck, getting it in and tying it down. We made sure it was completely secure, of course. Neither of us really wanted to go through the hassle of lifting that tree AGAIN.

After tying it down, we shared a smirk. "Ready?" he asked me, opening his door. I opened mine as well and returned the smirk, getting in. "Hell yeah I am!"

We both got in again, and pulled away. We had a set destination; the top of the hill above the valley that the Christmas trees grow in. Did I say before that the farm was part of a deep valley? Well, now you know. Anyways, we parked at the top of the hill, getting out once again. We both walked to the edge of the semi-clifflike hill, and looked down to the centerpiece of the tree farm. I remember Edd telling me about this part of the farm when he was ranting about the 'perfect tree' last week. In the middle of the farm, there were five or six trees, seperated from the rest. These six trees were all decorated in bright lights and ornaments, and each had a star on top.

It was disgusting.

Which was exactly why Tom and I were burning them.

Pulling out my box of matches, I handed one to him. "Thank you." he said, grinning. "No problem, buddy." I responded with an equally wide grin, pulling one out for myself. We both took our turn in lighting ours, and then I slid the box back into my pocket.

We then exchanged a look. This look was a silent agreement, as we both ensured the other that the time was now. At the same time, we both turned to face the trees below, and we both dropped our matches down to them.

Slowly, but surely, the trees began to burn. Soon enough, two of them were almost fully engulfed in flames. Tom and I were grinning messes at this moment, smirking down at the trees. "Awesome." I said, sinking down to the ground, sitting. He sunk down with me, pressing against my side a tiny bit. "Damn right." he said, staring down. We both were staring down at the trees, mesmerized by the pyres.

We were so entranced that neither of us actually noticed how close we were. We were sitting together, on the ground, our sides pressed against each other. My head was laid slightly on his shoulder, and in return, his head laid against mine. Our hands were directly next to each other. The closeness of our hands is what made me realize the closeness we had in general. I blushed a soft pink as I noticed this, and then darkened a bit as I realized how much I liked it. Wait...did I like him? I mean, I always knew that we were close, but I didn't think I felt like this...but now that I think about wasn't a bad thing.

As realization and acceptance dawned on me, I gained a strange confidence, in which I had never felt before. Without thinking, I placed my hand on top of his, entwining my fingers with his. He broke from his trance and looked at me, a faint blush on his face, and his eyes widened. He took in my features; my sparkling E/C eyes, my joyful smile, and my pink-tinted skin. For a moment, all he could think was one word; stunning.

"Y/N...?" he questioned after looking at me for a few seconds. I blushed a bit darker, and turned my head away. "S-sorry, I..." I trailed off, pulling my hand back.

Then, he surprised me. I felt his hand gently wrap around my wrist, and he pulled me to him again. I looked at him in shock, my blush growing darker by the second. He was smiling gently at me. "You're so...perfect..." he murmered, his hand going into my own. I couldn't think of what to say. "T-Tom...I..." I stuttered, confused but happy at the same time. "D-do"

I hadn't noticed that as I was a tongue-tied mess, he was inching closer to my face. I definitely noticed, though, when he quieted me by giving me a sweet, tender kiss that tasted slightly of alcohol. I attempted to pull away for a quick second, before taking in what was happening fully, and kissing back. I could feel a small smile form on his lips as I returned the kiss.

After several seconds of what felt like magic, we both pulled back, panting slightly, and smiling at each other. "Y-Y/N, I, uh..." he scrambled for words for a moment. Then, he looked me in the eyes. "You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. It's rare for people to think the same way as have one thing to say to you." he told me, sounding sure of himself. Then, he took me other hand, now holding both. "And that, Y/N, is that I love you."

I smiled hugely as he said those words. Without thinking, I pulled him into a tight hug. "I love you, too, Tom." I murmered, not letting go. He chuckled and hugged back. As we hugged, I saw a bright, orange flash out of the corner of my eye, and glanced down at the still burning trees. The flames on the five surrounding the middle one had quenced already, as they had burnt to the ground. But, the one in the middle, the largest one, was burning brightly.

As I watched it, I couldn't help but giggle. Tom pulled back as I did and looked at me, his head cocked slightly to the side. "What's so funny?" he asked curiously. "I just can't believe that this is how we got together..." I responded, giggling a little more. He turned to look at the burning tree as well, and then chuckled. "Yeah, neither can I." he said quietly.

We stayed and watched until the tree had completely burnt down. I wanted to stay and watch the fire with him forever. But, alas, after it did, we both decided to go home. Getting back into the truck, we shared a quick kiss before pulling out and driving back to the house.

When we did get home, Matt and Edd were VERY confused. Why were they confused? Well, I guess they hadn't thought that we would come back from getting something Christmas related with a smile. What they didn't know was that, though we hated the holiday, we both knew that there WERE a few good things about it. Like free stuff, or mistletoes, or the spending time with friends.

Of course, our reason was different. Our reason for it being at least sort of okay, now, was because it was our anniversary. So now, as Tom went down on one knee, four years after the day we went to get the tree and confessed to each other, I can now honestly say that this holiday...

It isn't ALL that bad.

Wow, that was a long one. Welp, what do ya expect? It WAS probably one of the most relatable things I've ever written. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my Christmas Specials! I may not, but...have a happy holiday, my friends!

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