How did this happen?

Start from the beginning

I went to Derek and shook him gently, he groaned and peeled his eyes open. "hey buddy can you make it to the bed? I gotta look after your siblings?" He jerked back, eyes wide and almost fell but I caught him. "sorry." I chuckled. "didn't mean to startle you." He rubbed his eyes and said "man I must be hallucinating. Simon did say I have a bad fever." Now it was my turn to chuckle "no I'm just in a good mood." I helped him stand up and he didn't look up at me. "sorry I left the gun on the kitchen table. Please don't blame the others!" I frowned again, did the article I read rhyme true? Were these children being abused?

"its alright. Simon put it away. I just need you to get better." He seemed surprised. "must have been a pretty good hunt." I grit my teeth. "yeah I got the bastard." I thought back to my dead son and sighed. I had to keep playing my character.

Once I gently laid Derek in bed I saw Arianna was sleeping in the other one, a smile on her face. Derek groaned and held his head, I almost felt bad for the kid. Then I reminded myself why I was here. Revenge.

I turned to Simon on the couch, ah whatever he could stay there. He looks comfy enough. The person who doesn't look comfy is Indonis. I slowly lifted her into my arms and laid her in bed with Derek. She snuffled closer to him and kicked out once before sighing. Derek was already asleep now to and I stood watching all of them sleep.

They were such a peaceful bunch. I doubt they even knew their father was out killing what he would call 'freaks'

I ran a hand through my hair. I had to focus, if not then I would have serious problems. Maybe I could wait a day or two more? See how things play out.


Simon woke up first and made breakfast. The smell awoke me and I gagged. It seemed to have the same effect on Derek because he bolted for the bathroom. I decided to assist Simon and leave Derek to his things.

Simon raised an eyebrow when he saw me and said "hi dad." The tension in the room was killing me. "hey, what's up?" "nothing" he said quickly and then quietly, under his breath "missed you is all." I actually smiled a genuine smile but didn't respond, I feel like he was waiting for me to yell at him or something. I would never. Man, Wilson really fucked up when raising these kids.

Soon enough Arianna wandered in, got a plate and nervously said "good morning dad." I ruffled her hair and gave her a brilliant smile, she perked up at that and sat down. Simon gave me us a fond look as well and let me take over the cooking, helping here and there. Arianna started complaining "you know Dy was supposed to help with my homework last night because she's so smart and all but she fell asleep instead." Simon looked concerned. "I think it's because of the insomnia." Arianna tested the word out on her tongue and failed. "whatever." Simon sighed.

"she never talks about it. She never talks about anything. Just like you never talk about those guys wh-" Simon glared.

I just was so confused.

What guys?

Luckily Indonis came out, looking prim and proper "no time for breakfast we need to leave." Arianna nodded, already halfway through hers and Simon got their stuff ready. I saw his shirt ride up and he had a big black bruise on his back. I narrowed my eyes and said "Simon can we talk?" His eyes flashed over to me, fear infected them.

"sorry can't or we'll be late! Bye!"

They slammed the door shut and I heard bikes get started as they wheeled away.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, five seconds later Derek stumbled out of his room with his shirt inside out. "wait for me I'm coming to school." I shook my head. "no way young man you are staying here and taking a break." Derek looked like he wanted to argue but instead just nodded and went back inside.

Jesus I hadn't even been here for a day and they were already wearing me out. How is that even possible? I feel so strangely towards them, almost like a bond. I shook myself and harshly scolded my fatherly side.



Derek was a lot more sick then he let on. He was coughing up his lungs, crying from the pain. I had to feed him warm soup in small spoonful because it wouldnt stay down. His fever was slowly going down as well and I gave him some pills. He said that he should have let Indonis sleep with him because she might be sick now and I told him not to worry about her. He looked at me like I was crazy but didn't say a word. I know enough about psychology to know a messed up family when I see one. This is definitely one messed up family.


Indonis came home first, plopping down on the floor and start her homework. She looked really tired and I remember her insomnia. "hey kiddo, if you keep working yourself like that you're going to get sick." She glanced at me and rubbed her face while making a small disgruntled noise.

I sighed and took her homework. "come on, eat something." "not hungry." She said quickly. I looked down at her worriedly. "just eat something okay?" She looked up at me finally and I saw everything.

She was so close to being down with everything and life. She had completely given up hope and it scared me to my core.

I quickly picked her up and said "hey, it's okay. You're fine, I'm here for you." She crumpled, tears flowing freely and she crushed herself against me. I had forgotten this feeling and it felt so good.

"thank you papa. I wish everyday was like this. I like the new you." I smiled against her. "I'm here to stay."

I had found a new goal, a new revenge. Become a greater parent then that Wilson could ever be. Beat him in this new and beautiful game. A game I knew I would win.


Arianna came home later, worriedly pestering Indonis until she agreed to play with her. I watched them play and smiled slightly. This is nice.

Am I just replacing them with the loss of my son? No. I like them for who they are. I think. Maybe I should rethin- NO. I'm not killing them.

Simon burst in, breathing heavily. He sported some new bruises and groaned. Then stopped realised he wasn't alone and swore as I got up to help him. "I'm fine!" He insisted but I was stuborn and soon enough I was helping him bandage up his sore ribcage. He was so skinny I was kind of worried.

"mind telling me what's going on?" "just some guys." I narrowed my eyes and saw the tears. "next time I can come pick you up. It'll be fine." Simon opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something and then gave me a grateful smile. I smiled back and helped him up.

Indonis got out a board game and said "let's play!" Everyone agreed and Derek wanted to play as well but fell asleep on Simon's shoulder. Everyone giggled and Simon winced. They played for a while and Indonis won multiple times.

Arianna tromped off to bed after loosing again. Indonis decided that tonight she would attempt for sleep early. Derek was placed on the couch and Simon cleaned the place up. It was so domesticated that I actually enjoyed it.

This is it. This is what im going to do from now on out. Im going to protect these four lost sibbling souls from their daddy and then hope that someday they will be strong enough to survive.
After all they have a changeling for a father now.

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