Waiting (In Your Case)

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What happened in the past is already in the past...

What will happen in the future will happen for sure... it just, it depends on your choices now... whether it will lead you to a good future or not.

Where you should go?

Think of what is happening at the moment...
Since a minute that passed, is already part of the past...

However, what if your past is holding your present, resulting your plans for the future?

So unclear, right?

Then, I'll make it clearer..

What if something happened in the past, in which you treasure the most and at the same time gave you painful memories, is still hunting you until now, blocking your way to move forward to your future?

The past that you gave had so much love and pain... that is why, its really hard to move forward...

What should I do?
Where should I go?


How many springs had passed? The promise you said was long forgotten. Should I still believe in those words?

I cling on it believing the future you promised, despite of the scar you left on the past.

How many springs had passed since then?
I think I should stop counting...

This year's spring had passed...
Even summer and autumn...

Its again winter...

Soon spring will again come...
What kind of emotion will I feel this time?


"(F/N), its still Monday, why are you having a gloomy face?! My tension is also going down because of you!"

I groaned as I slumped my face on my working table. I felt my eyes so heavy, and I wanted to sleep!

"Shiina, surely our boss asked her again to finish an impossible task" I felt my other friend, Rina, caressing my hair.

Shiina sat on her working table, across mine, and I could hear her sigh loudly "again? How many times did it happen these past 6 months?"

"Every week, ever since I rejected him" I answered in low voice "I am looking for a new job, but he is blocking my applications"

"Isn't it better to just quit this job? Then find a new job?" Rina suggested but I shook my head

"I already quit once, but he did his best to bring me back here. I already found a job, but because of him I lost it again"

"Its partially your fault" I narrowed my eyes towards Shiina, asking her what she meant by that "you rejected him. I mean, why did you even reject him? He is handsome, rich, not that very kind, but still, its already there."

"But I don't love him" I countered but she shook her head

"Its not that you love him or not. You kept on telling yourself not to love anyone, because you are still waiting for someone who will never return. Wake up! A decade already passed! Why are you still clinging to someone's words that guarantee you with nothing. If you can't leave that, you can't move on. Someone likes you."

"But Shiina, you still can't force her to love someone fully if she still love someone else" Rina sided with me but she smiled sadly towards me "though I didn't say that what she said is wrong. She has a point too."

"If that guy really loves you, then he should return to you long before." Shiina again sighed and raised her brow towards me "well, I don't really know him personally, so it doesn't matter to me. But as your concern friend, at least move on and learn how to love others"

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