"Why can't I sleep at night?" Joe read out the first card and the rest of us went through our white cards to find the best response. Once Joe received all of our cards he shuffled them behind his back and then read them out. "'Why can't I sleep at night - Dick fingers'..." Joe raised his eyebrow and put the card down not looking very impressed with the first card and carried on reading the rest out. "'Why can't I sleep at night - Boys who don't call.'" He chuckled at the second card which was an improvement. "'Why can't I sleep at night - Sexy pillow fights'... Well... What can I say, us boys do have some sexy pillows fights." Joe said and winked to the camera whilst the rest of us laughed. "Why can't I sleep at night... Oh no." Joe suddenly gasped. "I honestly don't think I can read this one out."

"Why not?" Jack asked.

"It's too cruel. It's like, just not ok."

"Ah, come on. You have to read it out now."

"Ok, ok.. 'Why can't I sleep at night - Madeline McCann'..".

We all cracked up following that card. He was right, it was so cruel, but you can't deny the greatness of that card if you've ever played Cards Against Humanity. The game was made to be cruel, you just have to go with it.

"Honestly, as cruel as the card is it's the best answer to all of them." I admitted and all the boys nodded in agreement.

"Exactly, I don't even have to read the rest of the cards because this one just can't be topped. Who's card is this?"

I smirked and raised my hand and Joe throw the black cards over to me shaking his head. 

"You're terrible, Demi. What will your fans think? What if Madeline McCann is really out there and she's watching this video right now just to realise you just made her kidnapping the subject of the joke in one of ThatcherJoe's innocent videos."

"Don't. You're as bad as me for picking the card."

"Cute and innocent on the outside, but evil on the inside." Jack chuckled causing me to blush which I attempted to hide by burying my head in Casper's shoulder.

"I don't think I want to play this game anymore." Casper stated laughing. "I didn't expect it to be this mean."

"What are you talking about Casper? It's a great party game for all the family." Jack spoke up again.

"Could you imagine playing this with your parents? Grandparents even. I think if mine watched this video they would disown me right now." I stated.

"I think my fans parents might disown them if they catch them watching this video." Joe laughed.

After what felt like hours of playing the game finally came to end and I walked away with the win, but let's be honest I had it in the bag with my first card. The filming literally went on for about an hour so Joe definitely has a lot of cutting out to do. With the filming over the three of us were preparing to leave Joe's as we were all heading home. Dylan was meant to get the train home hours ago, but due to Joe's filming invitation he ditched the train to come here meaning he was joining George and I on our way home so he can stay around his and get another in the morning.

I went out to the hallway ad started getting my stuff together and as I was Jack came out to me.

"So how are you feeling after last night?" He asked me. 

"I didn't feel too bad actually. I thought I would feel worse."

"Whoa, I'm shocked. You were pretty messy yesterday?"

"Was I really bad? I'm sorry!"

"Well, you did give me a lap dance." He winked and my face fell. I know I was fairly drunk, but I pray to god I did not give Jack, or anyone a lap dance. What the hell is wrong me? 

"Please tell me I didn't..."

Jack stated laughing. "I'm kidding." He replied and then lent in closer to my ear and whispered to me. "But if you did. I wouldn't complain." 

I felt my face growing hot as the blushing started to get out of control. I didn't know what to say or what to do.

"You know, you're cute when you blush."

I started to hid my face with my hands. "Oh."

"And you're cute when you're shy." 

"Stop." I whispered still attempting to hide my cheeks."

"You're funny. I don't know why you get so awkward."

As Jack said that he put his hand over mine, slowly removed my hand from my face and continued to hold onto it. I looked up to as he was looking down on me and our eyes met. I was lost in the moment. I didn't even know what was happening until Dylan walked out calling my name we were taken out his daze. 

"Oh, sorry.." Dylan apologised confused as to what exactly he just interrupted. 

"No it's fine. Erm, are we ready to go?" I asked shaking Jack's hand off mine. 

"Yeah, we were just waiting for you..."

"Ok, I'm ready."

"Cool, I will just say bye to the guys in the living room." Dylan said almost running back out. I'd never Dylan as awkward as I had then, but I guess even the confident don't know how to respond when they realise they have just walked in at the wrong moment.

I picked up my bag and Jack got my jacket off the coat hanger besides him and handed it to me. 

"So." We both ended up saying at the same time and then their was a long pause as we waited for the other to start speaking again.

"So... I'll probably see you soon?" Jack asked.

"Sure." I responded.

Jack opened out his arms taking me into a hug. "Nice meeting you this weekend, Demi."

"You too."

Joe, Dylan and George came out into the hallway whilst I was hugging Jack goodbye. 

"Thanks for helping me with my video today guys." Joe thanked us.

"Anytime, mate. It was jokes." Dylan responded.

"And if you three ever need an extra person in one of your videos I'm always happy to return the favour."

"Same here, it's been fun hanging out with you guys. We should all meet up soon." Jack said.

"Thanks guys, nice to see you again." I said and I hugged Joe goodbye before leaving.

We started towards George's car and I pulled Dylan back so George wasn't in earshot.

"Don't say anything about what you saw."

"Why would I? That's your business." Dylan stated.

"I know, but I mean even to George. I'm not going to tell him about it. I mean I don't even know what that was and I don't really want to have to explain it to anyone."

Dylan nodded "Understandable."

"Thanks... And I call shot gun!" I shouted and raced him to George's car reaching shotgun first.

Riptide // Jack MaynardWhere stories live. Discover now