"I'm sure it was uncomfortable for him as well, baby girl." Rafe smirked up at her. She blushed. "I now hate him too."
"Which brings us to your story, baby girl."

She turned away from Rafe and walked straight to the bed where I was uncomfortably sitting against the headboard. I was trying to think of anything other than her. Rafe burst out laughing again when she crawled on to the bed like a sexy dream. She really had no idea what she looked like with her hair still wet, wearing my shirt, crawling over to me like that. I closed my eyes and groaned. She mistook its meaning. "I'm not coming over because I want you to referee between us. It won't become an argument. I just want to be away from Mr. Pushy over there... Hold me?"

My eyes shot open, she was on her knees beside me. Behind her Rafe had a humongous shiteating grin and was shaking his head 'Yes' with his arms wide open. Thankfully she wasn't looking his way, he looked like a gawd-damned bobble head. I nodded yes, much less enthusiastic than he was doing, and silently opened my arms for her. She shuffled closer and plastered herself to my side. She was sitting sideways, facing me and if I pulled her top leg over mine she would be straddling me. The moment Rafe saw the pained expression on my face, over her head, he burst out laughing again.

"Tell him to shuddup!" She growled into my shoulder.
"Shuppup Rafe." I dutifully told him, sticking my tongue out at him over her head.

Rafe calmed down but didn't behave. "Oooh, is it story time now?!" He asked like an over excited toddler. She turned her head to him. "I hate you!"

"No you don't. You the 'in' to my sanity, baby girl."
"No! I'm now his Lois."

"You know.. Superman kisses Lois!" He teased, then suddenly he rambled. "Did you two kiss?! Oh Sweet, baby Jesus! You did! When? Where? Was it when you dragged her away? Tell me!"
"We did no such thing!" She snapped, glaring at him.

He looked at my, undoubtedly red, face, searching for the truth. I shook my head no and then he went red. "Foot meet mouth! Fúck me!" He cursed looking embarrassed.
Suddenly Milly giggled. "I'm telling Lee you asked us that!"

He bounced onto the bed beside her with a teasing grin. "That would be three to one, do you think you can handle that?"

In surprise, she stared at him with wide eyes, as what he said sank into her mind. Then her face went bright red as she finally comprehended what he implied. He winked saucily. She muttered something incomprehensible and clutched onto me, burying her face against my chest.

"Pervert!" She grumbled. I chuckled at her crappy comeback.

"Nope, just open to try new things. Better ask our genius what the definition is for pervert but I'm sure that's not it."

Not thinking, I immediately recited. "According to the Oxford dictionary pervert is a verb first. It originates in the late Middle English, as a verb, from Old French pervertir, originally from Latin pervertere, from per meaning 'thoroughly, to ill effect' and vertere 'to turn'. The current noun sense dates from the late nineteenth century. As a verb it means to distort or corrupt the original course, meaning, or state of something. The second stated meaning is to lead someone away from what is considered natural or acceptable."

52. Her POV

Rafe made his stunning wisecrack and despite knowing he was kidding my mind ran away with me. My inner fangirl had already convinced me to crawl right up to Superman and ask him to hold me. I had caved to her demands after finding all my expensive, good and sexy stuff from home in the bag that Nate had packed. Men, they just didn't think. Letting Marcus anywhere near me was their first mistake. Packing my bag with the stuff I left home was their biggest one. Thankfully Superman's shirt was as long on me as some skirts I owned, he gave me one without complaining.

Not for the first time since I met him, Rafe made me blush. It is probably for the best that he does the whole broody and silent at school. I just don't think the students or teachers would be able to deal with Rafe's wicked mind. Daryl rattled off the definition of pervert and there was no doubt in my mind it was accurate to the letter.

I giggled and kissed his cheek after he recited the dictionary, it broke the tension. "Thanks. The original meaning might not be helpful but the current meaning is good enough for your pervert of a best friend."

"He loves me, baby girl." Rafe chuckled behind me. "And I know you love me too. I also think you might feel better if you tell us why you verbally abused your brother in the middle of the street."
"Okay, I understand where you're coming from. And I can tell you now... No." I replied without hesitation and a determined look.

"No what?"
"No, I'm pretty sure I won't feel better telling you why I can't stand even looking at the prick."

"That's it, D. We need to pull out the big guns."
Daryl stiffened and suspiciously asked. "What big guns?"

Rafe chuckled wickedly. "You... Just... Kiss her senseless... and then we'll ask her again."

I felt my face flush and hid my face in Daryl's neck. He didn't say a word but it felt good when his arms tightened and pulled me even closer. Rafe burst out laughing and after a few moments I glanced at Daryl only to see that his face bright red, scrunched up like he was in pain. The whole time I'd been sitting against him he'd had one leg bend up beside me. I put my hand on his knee and moved back a bit.

"Are you alright?" I asked carefully. He groaned and Rafe laughed even louder. The door burst open and Mike stormed in. He opened his mouth to say something but one look at the three of us stopped him. He stared at Superman for a few seconds and then glanced at Rafe, I looked behind me just in time to see him nod with a smirk and then they were both laughing. I looked back at Superman. He had his eyes closed, still looking somewhat pained. "Hey?"
"Hmmm?" He answered softly, not looking at me.

"Do you know what's so funny?"
He opened his eyes and looked down at me. For a few seconds he just stared and then he nodded yes. Before I could ask what, he answered, with a self deprecating smile he told me. "They are laughing at me."

His twin and his best friend kept bursting out in fits of laughter, even after Daryl told them it would come to bite them in the ass. I finally decided to break it up. "Fine. I'll tell you why I can't stand the sight of Marcus. He's the worst brother anyone could ever have."
Rafe and Mike finally stopped laughing.

"You don't have to.. if it's too upsetting. Don't just tell us to shut them up." Superman said softly. "I can handle these idiots."

I considered it. "Do you want me to leave?" Mike asked, more considerate than I expected.

"Yes." But the moment he got up from the floor I added. "But I don't want these two here to hear this story either.. and I know they won't leave, so I guess you might as well stay too."

They settled in like kids for story time. Mikey lightened the mood by yelling. "Wait, Wait!"

He ran out of the room only to return a few minutes later with several bags in his arms. Corn chips, M and M's, chilli chips and a big bag that contained two bottles of soft drink, one tub of ice cream and two spoons. I asked him, why only one extra spoon and he laughed. "Figured me and D are the only two people to become depressed enough to need ice cream if your story is sad. You and Rafe are too tough."

Daryl growled playfully and I laughed, relaxing into my position against Daryl. My inner fangirl was a blubbering mess of happy hormones by now. Occasionally she would feel a flash of irritation at the two other guys in the room but she sobered up and took what she could get, when she realised that they wouldn't leave and I had to tell my story.

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