"Tony she is..." He cuts me.

"Madi... Please.... Just listen to me."

"Madi, nothing will happen to anyone. I promise on that😢. I will never leave you alone but still if you don't feel right or you want to say something just give me a call and never go anywhere alone please😣...." He tells me.

"Okay..." I tell him wiping my tears.

After a while I get a message.

Tony takes my phone...

"ONE LAST TIME I AM WARNING YOU. STAY AWAY FROM BEN." He reads it😨. I just don't know what to do. I just can't understand what is actually happening.

"That's it. I told you that person will never harm Ben. That person wants Ben for some reason😐. Harming Ben.... he/she wouldn't get anything. That person just wants to threaten you or can I say harm you😣. He/she wants you to stay away from Ben...... Nothing will happen to Ben.... Madi trust me." He tells me.

"Madi, come with me." Tony holds my hand and he takes me down.

"Tony, what happened😲...? Where are you taking me?" I ask him.

"Just come... get in the car🚘." He opens the door.

I get in and he starts the car.

"Tony, Tell me where are you taking me?" I ask him getting tensed.

"To our office...." He tells me while driving.

"Why😱...." He cuts me.

"Madi, it's high time... Trust me if you tell Ben, everything will be sorted out. I am sure. You should have told him at the beginning itself." He tells me.

"I don't think it will solve the problem. It will only get worse😔..." I tell him.

"No... Madi... Trust me it will solve everything if you tell him..." H e tells me.

We reach office. I get tensed.

"Madi, Trust me everything will be sorted out once you tell him." He tells me.

"I just don't know how he will react😥. I...."

"Mam, Congratulations......!!!" Ruby comes and hugs me.

"I am so happy😍 for you and Ben." She shouts in excitement.

"Thank you... How did you know?" I ask her.

"Sir told to everyone.... He is in a very happy😄 mood today and everyone knows the reason behind his happiness is you...." She says with a bright smile.

Someone calls her and she leaves.

"Tony, I can't do this😔... I can't spoil his mood. I want him to be happy." I tell him.

I get tears from my eyes.

"Madi, if you don't do this now I have a feeling that everything else will go wrong. Just tell him Madi...." He tells me holding my hand.

We go to his cabin and we see he is not there.

"Mam, Sir is attending a meeting. It will be completed within an hour." Ruby tells us and she leaves.

"Hey... Pretty Face😍...!!" I see Ben comes and hugs me.

"What happened?" He asks me holding my chin. I don't look at him.

"I will leave you two😕.... I will be waiting outside." Tony says and leaves the cabin.

"Madi, Did something happen?" Ben asks me holding my hands.

"No... Nothing😣..." I wasn't having the courage to tell him. I just have a fake smile🙂 on my face.

"So...." He cuts me.

"Madi, I am sorry😣...." Ben tells me.

"Why? What happened?" I ask him tensed😨.

"I have to go to New York tomorrow. I thought even you could come with me but later I realized mom and dad are there and it wouldn't be nice you leaving them here and coming😓." He tells me.

"Ya..." That's all I could say.

"Madi, Are you okay?" He asks me.

"I am fine Ben🙂." I tell him holding his face and smiling at him.

"When will you come back?" I ask him hugging.

"um.... 5 days..." He tells me slowly.

"WHAT 5 DAYS😱!!!" I shout.

"Ya... It's a very important deal. Me and grandpa are going. We have 3 meetings to attend there😑." He tells me hugging.


"Madi, I have a meeting to attend now." Ben tells me.

"I will go home 🏡." I tell him.

"Should I call the driver..." He asks me.

"NO... Tony is waiting.... I will go with him. Don't worry." I tell him. He kisses 😘me on my cheek and he leaves.

"Tony, Let's go home." I tell him and we leave.

"What did Ben say? How did he react?" Tony asks me while driving. I just don't know what to say. I just keep quite😔.


"I didn't tell him." I say.

"WHAT... WHY?" He asks me concernedly.

"He is going to New York tomorrow. It's a very important meeting. He must attend it. If I tell him about all this he will not go." I tell him.

"Madi, You should have told him😞. A meeting is not important than this matter." He tells me.

"Tony..." He cuts me.

"Madi, this is not right at all. You must have told." He says.

"Tony, I promise I will tell him the day he comes back. I promise😢." I tell him.

"If this time you won't say I will tell him for sure." He tells me.

I just hope Ben comes back soon.

"Madi, What if it's too late by then?"

* * *

Hello there beautiful people, I am extremely glad that you took out time to read my book. Thanks for all your support till now and I will be super happy to know your views. Comment or DM me about how much you liked this chapter.

With Love,

Amicable Rose 🌹

Everlasting Hearts : A Tale of Eternal Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now